Data Availability
6-hourly temperature, dew point temperature and surface pressure data at 0.75 degree spatial resolution between 1979 and 2018 were obtained from the ERA-Interim reanalysis (available at Since ERA-Interim is only available up to 2019, we used 6-hourly ERA5T35 data (0.25 by 0.25 degree horizontal resolution) for the recent February-April 2020 period. Daily COVID-19 epidemiological data compiled by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering is available at country-scale since 22 January 2020 at The most up-to-date COVID data for each US state at a daily temporal resolution is taken from the COVID Tracking Project ( Population data for world countries and US states was downloaded from and, respectively. Weekly laboratory confirmed influenza cases by country for the period October 15th, 1995 to August 31st, 2019 are retrieved from the World Health Organization's FluNet database, accessible at The dataset consists in weekly totals of identified influenza A and B cases, along with the number of subjects tested.