Clinical short-read exome and genome sequencing approaches have positively impacted diagnostic testing for rare diseases. Yet, technical limitations associated with short reads challenge their use for detection of disease-associated variation in complex regions of the genome. Long-read sequencing (LRS) technologies may overcome these challenges, potentially qualifying as a first-tier test for all rare diseases. To test this hypothesis, we performed LRS (30x HiFi genomes) for 100 samples with 145 known clinically relevant germline variants that are challenging to detect using short-read sequencing and necessitate a broad range of complementary test modalities in diagnostic laboratories.
We show that relevant variant callers readily re-identify the majority of variants (120/145, 83%), including ∼90% of structural variants, SNVs/InDels in homologous sequences and expansions of short tandem repeats. Another 10% (n=14) was visually apparent in the data but not automatically detected. Our analyses also identified systematic challenges for the remaining 7% (n=11) of variants such as the detection of AG-rich repeat expansions. Titration analysis showed that 89% of all automatically called variants could also be identified using 15-fold coverage.
Thus, long-read genomes identified 93% of pathogenic variants that are most challenging to detect using short-read technologies. Even with reduced coverage, the vast majority of variants remained detectable, possibly enhancing cost-effective diagnostic implementation. Most importantly, we show the potential to use a single technology to accurately identify all types of clinically relevant variants.
The >7,000 rare diseases (RD) known to date collectively present a common healthcare issue. More than 70% of RD are genetic in origin, and their molecular genetic diagnosis is important for patients and families (Nguengang Wakap et al. 2020). Comprehensive diagnostics of rare genetic disease requires a complex mix of diverse testing modalities. Many diagnostic laboratories still apply traditional approaches such as karyotyping, FISH, genomic microarrays, Southern blotting, MLPA, and Sanger sequencing, leading to complex, long-lasting and often expensive testing cascades. Over the last decade, next generation sequencing (NGS), particularly exome and genome sequencing (ES and GS, respectively) have emerged as more generic clinical tests (Wojcik et al. 2024; Turro et al. 2020). While GS represents the most successful first tier test to date, a recent systematic study showed that short read sequencing-based GS would not be suited to replace all other diagnostic approaches for up to 25% of all patients referred for testing (Schobers et al. 2024). For this group of patients, technical limitations associated with short read technologies prevent the robust identification of certain clinical variant types. These include, but are not limited to, short tandem repeat (STR) expansions, complex structural rearrangements (such as translocation, complex structural variations (SVs), Mobile Element Insertions (MEI)) and variants in segmental duplications, genes with homologies and pseudogenes. Other factors that make the detection of specific variants with short-read whole genome sequencing (SR-WGS) challenging include extreme GC content and homopolymer stretches. Moreover, certain readouts such as methylation were never possible and required separate test modalities. Long-read sequencing (LRS) may, however, overcome many of these challenges. Emerging LRS technologies include PacBio HiFi LRS, Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) nanopore-based sequencing, and synthetic long-read technologies such as iCLR (Gorzynski et al. 2024). These technologies have matured to enable population-level sequencing (Schloissnig et al. 2024; Gustafson et al. 2024; Beyter et al. 2021) and have led to discoveries in rare disease research (Mantere, Kersten, and Hoischen 2019). A systematic assessment of their application in clinical diagnosis has, however, yet to be performed.
We assessed the clinical utility of HiFi long-read genome sequencing (LRS) by testing 100 samples with 145 known clinically relevant variants, specifically enriched for variants that are challenging or impossible to identify by SR-WGS (Figure 1A-B and Table S1). Of note, 42 of the 100 samples, containing 70 variants, were previously included in a clinical utility study using 30x short-read genomes (Schobers et al. 2024). This earlier study demonstrated the challenges of SR-WGS variant detection as only 29 of the 70 variants could be identified using automated variant calling algorithms. Automated detection was challenging because of the type of variants (e.g. STRs and SVs) or their location within the genome (e.g. homologous regions). The remaining 58 samples were chosen to contain similarly difficult variant types or variants located in similarly difficult regions of the genome. Hence, the total series included 25 samples with STR expansions across 14 different loci, 36 samples with variants in 16 different regions characterized by homology and/or pseudogenes, and 24 samples with (complex) structural events. The remaining 15 samples included a variety of other clinically relevant variants such as imprinted loci and mtDNA variation.
Here, we used a single SMRT cell on a PacBio Revio system for each sample, expected to generate ±30x coverage. All samples were processed in the same fashion, according to the manufacturer’s instructions (PacBio, Menlo Park, CA, USA). In brief, 7 μg high molecular weight gDNA was sheared on Megaruptor 3 (Diagenode, Liège, Belgium) to a target size of 15-18 kb, libraries were prepared with SMRTbell prep kit 3.0 (PacBio, Menlo Park, CA, USA), size-selected□>10 kb on the BluePippin (Sage Science, Beverly, MA, USA), and sequenced for 24 h on the Revio system (ICS 12.0.4). Samples were then analysed using a bioinformatics pipeline that incorporates a variety of PacBio software tools for long read sequencing (LRS) data analysis. Alignment (pbmm2 v1.10.0) of High Fidelity (HiFi) reads was performed against the GRCh38 reference genome, while generating haplotags by performing de novo assembly with Hifiasm (v.0.15.3). Structural variants (PBSV v2.9.0) and Small variants (DeepVariant v1.5.0) were called with phasing information (HiPhase v0.10.1) and annotated using publicly available databases. An additional analysis for copy number variants (CNV) based on read depth was performed using HiFiCNV (v0.1.6). Short tandem repeats were called (TRGT v0.4.0), visualized (TRVZ v0.4.0) and annotated using an inhouse pipeline. Specific variant calls for paralogs and pseudogenes are called using Paraphase (v.2.2.3). Methylation calls were generated using pb-cpg-tools (v.2.3.1). When the expected variant was not detected by the respective software, the sequencing data were visually inspected using the Integrated Genomics Viewer (IGV, v2.16.2) for region(s) containing the variant(s), taking into account a suitable genomic window. The mode of visual confirmation depended on the variant type and variants were considered visually confirmed when sequencing reads showed a clear deviant pattern in read mapping, methylation profiles or variant allele frequencies.
Across all 100 samples, we obtained a median output of 94.0 Gb of data, achieving a median genome-wide coverage of 29.7x, with an average read length of 15.35 kb (Table S2). Of the 145 variants analyzed, 120 (83%) were detected fully automatically by the relevant variant calling software (Figure S1). This included, among others, 61 SVs, 20 STR expansions, and 40 SNV/indels the majority of which affected loci with homologous sequences (Table S1, Figure 1C). The 20 repeat expansions ranged from 16 to >150 additional repeat units in 12 different genes. In some cases, HiFi genomes also provided additional molecular insights that were not obtained from the traditional clinical tests. For instance, targeted de novo assembly by HiFiasm (version 0.15.3) and visualization by NAHRwhals v1.4 (Höps et al. 2023) allowed us to resolve the structure of a complex genomic rearrangement encompassing the CEP85L and MCM9 genes (Figure 2F). In addition, in one case, two additional smaller duplications were identified adjacent to the known pathogenic variant; and in another case involving the OPN1LW/OPN1MW gene cluster (P11-F11), the sequence context of the second OPN1MW copy was revisited now that the entire copy could be read at base pair level. While similar benefits of SR-WGS have been reported from direct comparisons of short-read genomes to exomes (van der Sanden et al. 2023), the ability to analyze even these complex loci of the human genome using LRS provides great promises for clinical care.
For an additional 10% (n=14) of variants (Figure S1), automated detection failed, requiring either manual inspection of aligned sequencing reads (n=8) or visualization of processed data files in the absence of dedicated callers (n=6; Figure S2). Manual inspection successfully identified variants in the OPN1LW/OPN1MW (n=3) and CFHR (n=2) gene clusters as well as a complex structural rearrangement involving complex/repetitive regions, one of the STRs (in CNBP), and a MEI inserted in NF1. Here, too, molecular insights were further enhanced by de novo assemblies, for instance discriminating between the deletion of the STRC gene and its STRCP1 pseudogene copy in one of the samples (P3-E11; Figure 2C, Supplementary Methods). We expect that further improvements in structural variant detection based on de novo assembly should allow for automatic detection of these variants in the future. Nonetheless, as obtaining contiguous genome-wide de novo assemblies is still challenging, it may be especially beneficial for long-read technologies to use the most accurate human reference genome for mapping purposes, such as the one presented by the telomere-to-telomere (T2T) consortium (Aganezov et al. 2022). Indeed, in one of the samples (P50-E2), an unbalanced translocation involving chromosomes 13 and Y, the variants could only be fully resolved when mapping to the T2T reference instead of GRCh38.
For six variants, evaluation of detection could only be performed after additional computational analyses of the output files generated by the standardized variant callers included in our pipeline (Methods). Three of these variants concerned regions of homozygosity (ROH) for which no appropriate calling algorithm was available (Figure S2). For these, we visualized homozygosity by plotting variant allele frequencies of SNPs within the region (e.g. B-allele frequency plots; Methods), allowing the detection of each of them. We anticipate that methods for automatically detecting ROH and uniparental disomies (UPD, (Yauy et al. 2020)) from SR-WGS can be readily adapted for long-read data, enabling automated detection of these variants. The other three variants concerned various percentages of skewed X-inactivation (P5-H5 80/20%; P50-A6, 90/10% and P50-E8, 100/0%). To detect these variants, we devised a method to calculate the ratio of methylation per allele in all female samples (Methods). Only one of three showed a clear deviation in the methylation pattern confirming skewing (P50-E8; Figure S2), whereas the other two could not be discriminated from the other 49 tested female samples (Figure S3). This suggests that LRS either lacks the sensitivity to detect skewing below 80% (at 30x coverage), or that the standard-of-care method to detect skewed X-inactivation involving methylation status of a single locus (the AR gene) may not be predictive for the methylation status of the entire X-chromosome. However, targeted interpretation of the AR locus in LRS data of these two samples also did not suggest skewing. Notably, two other samples (P2-E4, P1-C1) identified by our analysis as potentially having skewed X-inactivation had pathogenic structural variants on the X-chromosome. It is to be expected that new methods for the automated calling of methylation defects from LRS data will further enhance the utility of LRS in a clinical setting.
Of all 145 variants, 11 (7%) could not be detected in HiFi genomes, neither by automated callers or by visual inspection, nor by additional computational analyses. We investigated whether a common factor could explain these detection failures. Two of the variants were related to the unverifiable skewed X-inactivation described above. Five variants (3%) involved GA-based repeat expansions, including (GAA)n in FXN and (AAGGG)n, (AAAGG)n, or (ACAGG)n in RFC1, suggesting a systematic issue (Table S1). For these variants, HiFi sequencing suffered from reduced quality, resulting in fewer high quality reads available for HiFi read generation, leading to insufficient sequencing coverage in these regions for variant calling. This reduced quality for GA-repeat regions may result from the formation of non-B DNA conformations, hampering the DNA polymerase and reducing read length and quality (Mellor, Perez, and Sale 2022). Based on this assumption, we hypothesized that if non-HiFi quality reads could be ‘rescued’, additional coverage could be added for these regions, potentially allowing for better calling of repeat lengths. Indeed, by manually adding “rejected” low quality reads to the HiFi data, we increased the coverage for FXN, enabling the automatic detection of the pathogenic repeat (Figure S4, Table S3). However, this approach did not work for RFC1 repeats where coverage remained too low for detecting the expansion in all four cases. Notably, sufficient coverage is observed at these repeat regions for wildtype alleles, with reduced coverage only apparent in cases of repeat expansions. This observation supports our hypothesis of allelic drop out due to technical difficulties as a consequence of the repeat expansion. Hence, detecting reduced coverage at these repeat loci could serve as an indicator of a potential repeat expansion, warranting further follow-up. This proxy detection method of repeat expansions might be useful when HiFi genomes are used as a first-tier test. Alternatively, given the clinical recognizable phenotypes associated with most GA-based repeat expansions (e.g. rare neurological movement disorders), a targeted approach, such as the PureTarget technology, may also be considered as the increase in read depth for those loci would potentially compensate for the loss of high-quality reads, allowing automated calling.
For the remaining four variants that could not be detected, detection was hampered by the fact that each variant was associated with breakpoints in highly repetitive regions (P4-C4 and P3-F6) or segmental duplications >50kb in size (P1-C1 and P9-B1). For P4-C4, a translocation between the acrocentric p-arm of chromosome 22 and the repeat-rich regions of the Y-chromosome (P4-C4), and a P3-F6, involving a Robertsonian translocation affecting the acrocentric p-arms of chromosomes 13 and 14, we attempted re-alignment using the T2T reference genome but this did not recover the variants. P1-C1 and P9-B1 concerned unbalanced translocation events whose breakpoints fell inside segmental duplications, leading to their incorrect classification as simple copy number variants. Detecting these four variants may require further algorithmic development or the use of long range DNA information that can span regions >50kb, as recently demonstrated by others (Guarracino et al. 2023).
We next focused our attention on a technical evaluation of the role of sequencing coverage. Several studies have assessed minimum coverage thresholds for LRS (Noyes et al. 2022; Lee, Kim, and Lee 2023). However, these studies either relied on gold standards of unselected variants that were also detectable with SR-WGS, were based on non-human models (Lee, Kim, and Lee 2023) or alternatively focused on one specific class of variants (Noyes et al. 2022). Given our unique heterogeneous set of validated variants, we saw an opportunity to estimate the sensitivity for detection in relation to depth of coverage. To this end, we implemented an in-silico downsampling experiment (Supplementary Methods). Three samples (P13-G4, P50-G5, P50-H7) with an initial coverage of less than 20-fold were excluded from this analysis. For the remaining samples, BAM files were subsampled to target coverages of 10X, 15X and 20X using the “samtools view -b” command (samtools version 1.11). This process was repeated 10 times for each target coverage, resulting in a total of 30 subsampled readsets per sample, or 10 per target coverage. Downstream processing and variant calling were performed analogously to the original datasets, resulting in independent variant callsets for each permutation. In the original dataset, these 97 samples contained 117 biological variants that were detectable by automated callers. Due to cross-calling between different tools (e.g., hifiCNV and pbsv both calling certain CNVs; Table S1), those 117 variants were represented by 171 individual variant ‘calls’, which were tested for recall separately (Table S4).
We found a reduced discovery rate from initially 171 variants identified at ∼30x, with median detection rates dropping to 162 (96.2%), 151 (89.3%) and 129 (76.3%) for 20x, 15x and 10x coverages, respectively (Figure 3, Table S4). Further stratification by variant type and caller revealed the sharpest decline in repeat-associated CNVs and SNVs (recalled by Paraphase) (−18.8% and -14.3% in 15x vs 30x), as well as SVs (−11.1%), CNVs (−8.3%) and SNV/Indels in homologous regions (−10.4%). STRs (−2.8%) and SNV outside of homologous regions (−0%) were less or not at all affected (Table S4). We also noted that the reduced sensitivity for SNVs at 20x coverage was entirely driven by those within homologous regions, whereas sensitivity for SNVs outside these regions only diminished from 15x coverage and lower. Our results suggest that 30x or higher coverage may be needed to capture difficult-to-detect variants and harness the full potential of LRS sequencing. However, we also observe that at 15x the primary impact is on the sensitivity for detecting variants in homologous regions. In contrast, the sensitivity of SNVs, CNVs, SVs and STRs in other genomic regions is reduced only by about 10%. Depending on circumstances, the ability to sequence more samples at the same costs may outweigh this reduced sensitivity.
Overall, our data show that HiFi variant calling methods could potentially lead to an automated detection rate of 93% of variants tested. Nonetheless, it should be noted that the results of this study may be confounded by the initial selection of 100 samples. As we select for difficult-to-detect clinically relevant variants, it is anticipated that future use in unselected clinical cohorts the detection rate may be even higher. Our outcomes are of particular relevance in the context of genetic diagnostic laboratories that are considering short- and long-read approaches for generic first-tier germline testing for rare disease. As mentioned, a subset of 42 samples tested here (70 variants) were previously also used to technically benchmark short-read genome sequencing. This unique setup allows for a direct comparison between short- and long-read sequencing for these difficult-to-detect regions of the genome. In short-read genomes, 29/70 variants (41%) were automatically detected compared to 62/70 variants (89%) in HiFi long-read genomes (Table S5, S6). Whereas 21 variants in the short-read data could be recovered by visual inspection of the aligned reads, this approach is only feasible for small genomic loci or a limited set of genes, requiring a strong clinical diagnosis to guide interpretation (Corominas et al. 2022). Along with previous studies that have demonstrated the ability to identify molecular diagnoses in a significant percentage of previously undiagnosed cases (Steyaert et al. 2024; Schmidt et al. 2015), our results suggest that HiFi genomes may be a more attractive first-tier, generic assay for germline testing in rare diseases.
In summary, our study provides detailed insights into the abilities and limitations of LRS to identify the full spectrum of clinically relevant genome variation. Although prospective studies are still needed, our results show that LRS has the potential to be implemented as a first-tier diagnostic workflow for germline testing, potentially replacing all current tests for diagnosing individuals with rare disease.
Data Availability
All relevant data supporting the conclusions of this study, including anonymized variant calls, are contained in the manuscript. The raw sequencing data are not publicly available due to patient confidentiality, but can be made available upon reasonable request to the authors, in accordance with institutional and ethical guidelines.
Conflict of Interest
TM, ED, XC and MAE are employees and shareholders of Pacific Biosciences, a company commercializing DNA sequencing technologies. Pacific Biosciences also kindly provided part of the reagents required for this study. The remaining authors declare that they have no competing interest.
We thank Dr. R. Blok, T. Hofste, Dr. L. Haer-Wigman, Dr. E. Kamsteeg, Dr. N. de Leeuw, Dr. D. Lugtenberg, Dr. T. Rinne, Dr. A. Simons, Dr. C. Harteveld and R. Smeets for useful discussions. We thank the Klinisch Genetisch Centrum Nijmegen, Radboud Genome Technology Center and the Netherlands X-omics Initiative NWO (project 184.034.019), for technical and financial support. The aims of this study contribute to the Solve-RD project (to AH, CG and LELMV), which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 779257.
- Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization
- Integrative Genomics Viewer
- Next Generation Sequencing
- Long read Sequencing
- Mobile Element Insertion
- Multiplex Ligation Probe Amplification
- Oxford Nanopore Technologies
- RD
- Rare Disease
- Region of Homozygosity
- Single Nucleotide Variant
- Short read Sequencing
- Short read Whole Genome Sequencing
- Short Tandem Repeat
- SV
- Structural Variant
- Uniparental Disomy
- Whole Genome Sequencing