Background For over three decades, the concomitance of cortical neurodegeneration and white matter hyperintensities (WMH) has sparked discussions about their coupled temporal dynamics. Longitudinal studies supporting this hypothesis remain nonetheless scarce.
Methods In this study, we applied regional and global bivariate latent growth curve modelling (BLGCM) to longitudinal data from 436 cognitively unimpaired participants (DELCODE cohort; median age 69.70 [IQR 65.44, 74.49] years; 52.98% female) to examine the extent to which WMH and cortical thickness were interrelated over a four-year period.
Results Our findings were three-fold. First, at baseline, individuals with larger WMH volumes had lower mean cortical thicknesses over the entire brain. Second, individuals who experienced a steeper thinning of their cingulate and temporal cortices over time had larger baseline WMH volumes in the frontal, parietal, and occipital lobes. Third, individuals with thinner cortices at baseline tended to undergo faster WMH progression over four years, particularly in the occipital and parietal lobes.
Conclusions Our study suggests that cortical thinning and WMH progression could be mutually reinforcing rather than parallel, unrelated processes, which become entangled before cognitive deficits are detectable.
Trial Registration German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS00007966, 04/05/2015)
Cortical thinning and white matter hyperintensities (WMH) progression are well-known ageing processes that take place throughout middle and late adulthood [1–9]. Both processes appear to be influenced by genetic and lifestyle factors [2,10–15] as well as by the onset and progression of neurodegenerative and cerebrovascular diseases [1,2,9,16–20]. Although overlapping risk factors may offer an initial explanation for their concomitance [3,6,11,21,22], their persistent association after controlling for demographics and traditional cardiovascular risk factors [3,6,10,23– 25] has sparked more than three decades of research into coupled temporal dynamics [3,26].
Coupled temporal dynamics between WMH and cortical atrophy are currently discussed from two non-exclusive perspectives: the cerebrovascular and the neurodegenerative hypotheses [17,26]. The cerebrovascular hypothesis posits that ischaemic and hypoxic damages—operationalised as WMH [15,27–29]—may initially result in the depletion of oxygen, nutrients, and trophic support in perilesional regions [16,28]. Subsequently, these damages may also disrupt the function and metabolic demands of compromised white matter tracts and associated cortical regions, leading to cortical atrophy [6,9,17,27,30]. On the other hand, the neurodegenerative hypothesis proposes that cortical neurodegeneration could contribute to WMH formation [17,26,29,31–34], especially in conjunction with tau pathologies [26,29,34]. Excessive tau phosphorylation could promote microtubule destabilisation, thereby causing axonal transport dysfunction, energy depletion, and calcium imbalance—a hallmark of Wallerian degeneration [34]. In the light of the posterior dominance of WMH in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) [26,35–38], both hypotheses would require effects of cortical neurodegeneration and WMH to be particularly pronounced in parietal and occipital brain regions. Longitudinal evidence and multivariate modelling substantiating these hypotheses remain nonetheless scarce, especially in cognitively unimpaired older adults [1].
In this study, we leveraged bivariate latent growth curve modelling (BLGCM) to examine the bidirectional relationship between lobar WMH and regional cortical thickness over four years in older individuals without objective cognitive impairment.
Study participants
We used baseline and annual follow-up data for up to 48 months from participants of the observational longitudinal multicentre DELCODE (DZNE Longitudinal Cognitive Impairment and Dementia) Study [39]—a memory-clinic-based observational multicentre study from the German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) that uses multimodal assessment of preclinical, prodromal, and clinical stages of AD, with a particular focus on subjective cognitive decline. In the present work, we focused on cognitively unimpaired participants who underwent at least three MRI scanning sessions and whose follow-up MRI sessions took place within four months prior or after their yearly comprehensive examination.
At baseline, participants underwent a thorough evaluation at their local study site, which included medical history checks, a psychiatric and neurological examination, neuropsychological testing, blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collection, and MRI in accordance with local standards. All DELCODE sites used the Consortium to Establish a Registry for AD (CERAD-plus) neuropsychological test battery to assess cognitive function. To be classified as cognitively unimpaired, participants were defined by performing within at least required to performed better than -1.5 standard deviations of the age-, sex-, and education-adjusted normal performance on all subtests of the test battery [39].
Additional inclusion criteria were age□≥□60 years, fluent German language skills, capacity to provide informed consent, and the the availability of a study partner. The main exclusion criteria for all groups were conditions clearly interfering with participation in the study or the study procedures, including significant sensory impairment. The following medical conditions were considered exclusion criteria: current or history of major depressive episode and major psychiatric disorders either at baseline (e.g., psychotic disorder, bipolar disorder, substance abuse), neurodegenerative diseases other than AD, vascular dementia, history of stroke with residual clinical symptoms, history of disseminated malignant disease, severe or unstable medical conditions, and clinically significant vitamin B12 deficiency at baseline. Prohibited drugs included chronic use of psychoactive compounds with sedative or anticholinergic effects, use of anti-dementia agents, and investigational drugs for the treatment of dementia or cognitive impairment one month before study entry and throughout the duration of the study.
All participants provided their written informed consent in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki at baseline. DELCODE has been registered within the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS00007966, 04/05/2015). Ethics committees of the medical faculties of all participating sites (i.e., Berlin (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin), Bonn, Cologne, Göttingen, Magdeburg, Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-University), Rostock, and Tübingen) approved the DELCODE study protocol before inclusion of the first participants. The ethics committee of the medical faculty of the University of Bonn led and coordinated the process.
Total cardiovascular risk score
We established a total cardiovascular risk score for each participant by tallying their dichotomised (y/n) history of smoking, presence of obesity, hyperlipidemia, arterial hypertension, and diabetes, as reported in their medical records. We corrected the sum of present risk factors by the amount of available information. For example, if an individual had a history of arterial hypertension and diabetes but we did not have data on smoking, obesity, or hyperlipidemia, the final score would be 1.00. The corrected total cardiovascular risk scores ranged from 0.0 to 1.0, where the lowest and highest values denoted the absence or presence of all available risk factors, respectively.
MRI acquisition took place at nine DZNE sites or associated university medical centers equipped with 3T Siemens MR scanners. In the present study, we leveraged the following structural sequences: T1w MPRAGE (full head coverage, 3D acquisition, GRAPPA factor 2, 1 mm3 isotropic, 256 × 256 px, 192 sagittal slices, TR/TE/TI 2500/4.33/1100 ms, FA 7°) and T2w FLAIR (full head coverage, 3D acquisition, 1 mm3 isotropic, 256 × 256 px, 192 sagittal slices, TR/TE/TI 5000/394/1800 ms). The DZNE imaging network oversaw operating procedures, as well as quality assurance and assessment (iNET, Magdeburg) [39].
MRI-based measurements
Cortical thickness
We used the CAT12 longitudinal pipeline [40] (neuro-jena.github.io) to reconstruct cortical thickness surfaces for each subject and for each time point (ageing workflow; default parameters, except for final resolution, which we set to 1 mm3). We smoothed all surfaces with a 12-mm Gaussian filter and resampled them to the 32k HCP surface template. We also used CAT12 to estimate mean thickness throughout the whole brain cortex and within cortical regions as per the Desikan-Killiany cortical parcellation atlas [41].
WMH segmentation
We manually segmented WMH using the AI-augmented version of the Lesion Segmentation Toolbox (LST-AI) [42–44] and based the segmentation on both T1w MPRAGE and T2w FLAIR imaging data. We then tallied WMH volumes across the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes using the UCSLobes Atlas [45].
Statistical analyses
We conducted all data analyses in RStudio (v1.3.1073; R v4.0.2) using lavaan (v0.6-16). We created figures using ggplot2 (v3.4.3) and the ENIGMA toolbox [46].
We carried out univariate and bivariate LGCM analyses. (B)LGCMs [47] are a powerful class of structural equation models (SEM) to describe sample average trajectories of one or two constructs over time through the specification of latent intercepts and latent slopes (i.e, initial levels and rates of change). First, we used univariate analyses for contextualisation to examine what covariates were associated with the baseline measurements, as well as with potential changes over repeated measures. We then focused on bivariate models to examine interrelationships between WMH and cortical thickness over time (Figure 1). Intra-domain and cross-domain relationships can be assessed via the covariance between these four latent growth parameters [48]. We specifically tested the evidence of four possible major cross-domain relationships:
intercept-intercept covariance : upon study entry, do individuals with larger WMH volumes have lower cortical thickness?,
intercept-slope covariance : do individuals with larger WMH volumes at study entry experience faster cortical thinning [cerebrovascular hypothesis]?,
intercept-slope covariance : do individuals with thinner cortices at study entry exhibit a faster increase in WMH volumes [neurodegenerative hypothesis]?, and
slope-slope covariance : do individuals exhibiting faster WMH volume increases also undergo faster cortical thinning over time?
We also studied within-domain intercept-slope covariances ( and ) to determine whether baseline levels were associated with ongoing changes over time.
We conducted global and regional analyses to identify associations at two levels of granularity. In the global analysis—with no spatial specificity—we focused on the interrelationship between mean cortical thickness and total WMH volume. In order to elucidate potential region-specific and cross-domain relationships, we additionally examined all possible pairs of lobar WMH volumes and regional cortical thicknesses within Desikan-Killiany atlas regions. Note that our approach is similar to a mass-univariate analysis scheme, with the difference being that we investigate region-specific effects through LGCM rather than through GLM. To reduce the dimensionality and thereby improve the feasibility of our multivariate SEM analysis, we considered (corresponding) bilateral regions jointly. We used the superscripts Global and Regional to indicate the type of analysis utilised to generate the reported values. We report the completely standardised solutions and provide unstandardised solutions as Supplementary Material.
Adjusting for covariates and confounders
We adjusted latent intercepts and slopes for effects of age, sex, years of education, total cardiovascular risk factor score, and total intracranial volume (TICV) in all models.
Data transformation
We applied a Box-Cox transform to WMH volumes to account for potential skewness and z-scored all variables (pooled across timepoints) prior to model fitting. For the purpose of contextualisation and plotting, we back-transformed the fitted growth curve parameters afterwards.
Model fitting
We employed the maximum likelihood robust estimator to fit the model. We used the full information maximum likelihood estimation to handle missing values. To check for compliance with the assumption of missingness at random, we tested whether missingness in one column (1: missing; 0: not missing) could be predicted from the remaining ones. In all instances, the resulting p-values exceeded 0.05.
Prior to model fitting and solely to ensure model fit, we used Tukey’s fences to identify and remove outliers in all data points (threshold of 1.5) [49]. We evaluated the fit of all global and regional models by analysing their root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA; values ≤ 0.05 indicate good fit), comparative fit index (CFI; values exceeding 0.95 indicate good fit), and standardised root mean residual (SRMR; values < 0.08 suggest good fit) [50]. For the sake of transparency, when discussing the models, we disclosed their convergence and compliance with the aforementioned thresholds.
Correction for multiple comparisons
We employed the False Discovery Rate (FDR) correction [51] method to account for the issue of multiple comparisons on all region-wise analyses (Figure S1 contains the uncorrected version).
Study participants
We included 436 cognitively unimpaired DELCODE participants with imaging data available for at least three visits (1834 MRI sessions; median age 69.70 [IQR 65.44, 74.49] years; 52.98% females; median years of education 14 [IQR 13, 17]).
Univariate findings
WMH volumes increased over the course of four years
Model fit
All univariate LGCM on total and lobar WMH volumes converged and provided good model fit (RMSEA ≤ 0.05, CFI ≥ 0.095, SRMR ≤ 0.05).
Demographic effects on latent intercept (tWMH)
Baseline total WMH volumes varied significantly among individuals (variance of , SE = 0.033, Z = 25.117, p-value < 0.001).
Total WMH volumes were larger in older individuals (, SE = 0.043, Z = 8.462, p-value < 0.001) and in those with higher total cardiovascular risk factor scores (, SE = 0.045, Z = 1.978, p-value = 0.048). Moreover, WMH across the temporal lobes tended to be higher in those with fewer years of education (Figure 2; , SE = 0.058, Z = -1.715, p value = 0.086).
Females had larger total WMH volumes than males (, SE = 0.062, Z = 2.830, p-value = 0.005), especially across frontal brain regions (, SE = 0.064, Z = 2.955, p value = 0.003), despite females in our sample being on average younger (, SE = 0.047, Z = -3.598, p-value < 0.001) and having lower total cardiovascular risk scores (, SE = 0.045, Z = -4.305, p-value < 0.001) than males. In addition, females had on average fewer years of education (, SE = 0.044, Z = - 5.346, p-value < 0.001) than males.
Demographic effects on latent slope (ΔWMH)
Across participants, total WMH volumes increased over the follow-up period of four years (Figure 2A,B; intercept of , SE = 0.101, Z = 10.573, p-value < 0.001). The frontal and parietal lobes underwent the most substantial progression in WMH volumes, with an average increase of 0.180 [95%-CI 0.153, 0.207] and 0.175 [95%-CI 0.137, 0.212] ml per year, respectively. Significant WMH progression occured in occipital and temporal lobes as well (approximated average rates of change: 0.034 [95%-CI 0.027, 0.042], 0.018 [IQR 0.015, 0.022] ml per year, respectively).
A strength of the approach is the quantification of WMH progression rate variability across individuals (Figure 2B; variance of , SE = 0.012, Z = 80.306, p-value < 0.001), which we found to be tied to baseline demographics and pre-existing WMH volumes. WMH progression rates in parietal regions were lower in individuals with advanced age (, SE = 0.068, Z = -3.431, p value = 0.001) and with more years of education (Figure 2C; , SE = 0.066, Z = -2.506, p-value = 0.036). Similarly, those with the highest initial regional WMH volumes tended to exhibit the least progression of WMH in the same region over time (parietal: , SE = 0.066, Z = -4.654, p value < 0.001; occipital: (, SE = 0.078, Z = -2.032, p value = 0.042; temporal: , SE = 0.125, Z = -1.982, p value = 0.048), except in the frontal lobe (, SE = 0.080, Z = -1.275, p value = 0.202). Sex differences in WMH progression rates were evident across the occipital lobe, with females showing faster occipital WMH progression than males (Figure 2C; , SE = 0.088, Z = 2.510, p-value = 0.012).
Cortical thickness decreased over the course of four years
Model fit
All univariate LGCM fitted to cortical thickness converged and had good fit indices (RMSEA ≤ 0.05, CF! ≥ 0.095, SRMR ≤ 0.05).
Demographic effects on latent intercept (lThick)
Cortical thickness values were, on average, lower in individuals with advanced age (, SE = 0.024, Z = -8.077, p-value < 0.001), especially within cortical regions associated with processing sensory information and orchestrating motor functions (peaks - postcentral: , SE = 0.045, Z = -7.666, p-value < 0.001; superiortemporal: , SE = 0.044, Z = -7.937, p-value < 0.001; superiorfrontal: , SE = 0.044, Z = -7.035, p value < 0.001). We did not observe sufficient evidence relating sex or cardiovascular risk factors to initial cortical measurements in the cognitively unimpaired cohort investigated here.
Demographic effects on latent slope (ΔThick)
The thickness of cerebral cortex generally decreased over the course of four years (Figure 2D,E; intercept of , SE = 0.082, Z = -3.263, p-value = 0.001). Global thinning rates varied substantially among individuals (Figure 2E; variance , SE = 0.035, Z = 27.413, p-value < 0.001). Thinning was particularly pronounced across the cingulate and temporal cortex (Figure 2D, F; intercept of peaked in the caudal anterior cingulate cortex = -0.875, SE = 0.107, Z = - 8.196, p-value < 0.001). Caudal anterior and posterior cingulate cortices, for instance, underwent the most cortical thinning over the course of four years, with an average decrease in thickness of -0.014 [IQR -0.016, -0.013] and -0.011 [95%-CI - 0.012, -0.009] mm/year, respectively. Annual cortical thinning rates tended to decelerate with advance age (, SE = 0.089, Z = -1.652, p-value = 0.098). Neither global or regional analyses hinted at an association between sex, years of education, cardiovascular risk score, and changes in cortical thickness in our cohort.
Bivariate findings
Model fit
All BLGCMs also converged and had a satisfactory model fit (RMSEA ≤ 0.05, CFI ≥ 0.095, SRMR ≤ 0.05).
Individuals with larger WMH volumes have lower cortical thickness
At baseline, individuals with larger WMH volumes showed lower mean cortical thickness (, SE = 0.049, Z = -3.285, p-value = 0.001). Subsequent analysis of regional measurements revealed that this association was more pronounced within the same lobe (Figure 3A): frontal WMH related more strongly to the frontal cortex (peak at parstriangularis: , SE = 0.050, Z = -3.564, p-value < 0.001), occipital WMH to the occipital cortex (peak at cuneal cortex: , SE = 0.055, Z = -2.957, p-value = 0.003), and parietal WMH to the parietal cortex (peak at postcentral cortex: , SE = 0.057, Z = -2.274, p-value = 0.023). However, we also observed associations across distal regions (Figure 3A), for instance, baseline frontal WMH volumes and cortical thickness in temporal brain regions, occipital WMH volumes and frontal cortical thickness.
Individuals with larger WMH volumes show faster cortical thinning
Although the association between WMH volumes at baseline and cortical thinning rates was not observed at a global scale (, SE = 0.076, Z = - 1.595, p-value = 0.111), it was at a regional scale (Figure 3B). Individuals who exhibited a steeper decrease in thickness of the cingulate cortices showed larger WMH volumes across the frontal (Figure 4A.1; peak at caudal anterior: , SE = 0.079, Z = -3.091, p-value = 0.002), parietal (peak at caudal anterior: , SE = 0.079, Z = -3.302, p-value = 0.001), and occipital lobes (peak at caudal anterior: , SE = 0.079, Z = - 3.302, p-value = 0.001). Individuals with larger occipital WMH at baseline also showed a steeper decline in thickness in adjacent cortical regions, such as the inferior parietal cortex (Figure 3B; , SE = 0.094, Z = -2.611, p-value = 0.009), but also in more remote cortical areas like the superior temporal cortex (, SE = 0.084, Z = -3.749, p-value < 0.001) and the insular cortex (, SE = 0.091, Z = -3.425, p-value = 0.001).
Individuals with thinner cortices exhibit faster increases in WMH volumes
Individuals with thinner cortices at baseline tended to undergo faster WMH progression over the span of four years (, SE = 0.063, Z = - 1.964, p-value = 0.049). Upon closer examination of these associations, we found evidence for regional specificities (Figure 3C). Individuals with thicker cingulate cortices at baseline, particularly at the isthmus, experienced a slower progression in parietal WMH volumes compared to those with thinner cortices (Figure 3C; , SE = 0.064, Z = -3.185, p-value = 0.001). Furthermore, participants with initially thicker precentral, insular, and rostral anterior cingulate cortices showed a slower progression in occipital WMH volumes (Figure 3C, 4A.2; precentral: , SE = 0.074, Z = -2.791, p-value = 0.005; insular: , SE = 0.079, Z = -2.743, p-value = 0.006; rostral anterior: , SE = 0.068, Z = -2.679, p-value = 0.007).
Individuals exhibiting faster WMH volume increases also undergo faster cortical thinning over time
While we found no clear indication for global slope-slope associations (, SE = 0.145, Z = -1.026, p-value = 0.305), we did observe that individuals with faster progression of WMH in the frontal lobe tended to undergo faster global cortical thinning over time (, SE = 0.145, Z = - 1.861, p-value = 0.063). Further exploration revealed that this relationship was evident in the caudal middle frontal, paracentral, posterior cingulate, and superior frontal cortex (Figure 4B, S1; peaks – caudal middle frontal: , SE = 0.243, Z = -2.516, p-value = 0.012; paracentral: :, SE = 0.122, Z = -2.361, p-value = 0.018; posterior cingulate: : , SE = 0.125, Z = -2.359, p-value = 0.018; superior frontal: , SE = 0.152, Z = -2.216, p-value = 0.027). Slope-slope associations were generally characterised by sparsity, with only a few regions showing statistical significance. Consequently, they collectively did not remain significant after FDR correction and should thus be interpreted with caution (FDR-corrected version: Figure 3D; uncorrected version: Figure S1).
We studied the interrelationships between WMH and cortical thickness over a four-year period in 436 older adults without objective cognitive impairment (1834 MRI sessions in total) using a longitudinal modelling approach. We made both methodological and clinical contributions to the ongoing efforts to understand the relationship between cerebrovascular dysfunction and neurodegeneration. First, our study demonstrates the potential of integrating surface-based morphometry and BLGCM to investigate interrelationships between neuroimaging markers over time. Second, our findings support the notion that cortical thinning and WMH progression might be mutually reinforcing processes, entangled over a four-year period in a complex and region-specific manner. Our results suggest that this coupling takes place even among individuals with a low vascular risk, given DELCODE’s inclusion and exclusion criteria.
WMH progression
WMH generally progressed over the course of four years, reiterating that ageing is associated with WMH increase and constitutes a major risk factor for white matter pathology [2,14,15,28,52]. Progression rates were nonetheless highly subject-specific and dependent on an individual’s pre-existing white matter pathology. Parietal, occipital, and temporal WMH progression rates over four years were lower in subjects who had larger WMH volumes at the time of the baseline visit. This suggests that WMH progression may follow a non-linear trajectory, with changes occurring swiftly in its early stages, but gradually reaching a plateau. While non-linear trajectories would be conceivable at late stages of cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) spectrum, our finding suggest that this phenomenon also applies to individuals with low-to-average WMH volumes (compared to CSVD cohorts, see [52,53]), was somewhat unexpected, albeit not a completely novel finding. The apparent non-Markovian nature of WMH progression has recently been discussed in the context of the RUN DMC study [54]. In the RUN DMC study, the total WMH burden around the age of 64 years predicted their progression over the following 11 years, with severe WMH cases progressing the most, and mild cases progressing the least [54]. Mild cases rarely progressing to severe stages [54]. Here, we found that such non-linear trajectories were observable at a study level. However, significant individual differences in WMH volume changes suggest that there are numerous other factors that were not accounted for in our study that might contribute to subject-specific progression of WMH in ageing. For example, heterogeneity of WMH volumes and progression rates could be reflective of the brain’s ability to respond to and heal from white matter injuries. By extension, heterogeneity of WMH volumes and progression rates could be reflective of past and current socioeconomic status and cardiovascular risk factors, as well as the adoption of an unhealthy lifestyle [2,54,55]. This might explain why lower years of education and greater cardiovascular risk scores were associated with higher baseline WMH volumes in our sample.
Interestingly, even though, in our study sample, males were generally older than females and had higher cardiovascular risk factor scores than females, females showed significantly greater WMH volumes at baseline compared to males even after accounting for TICV. Total WMH progression rates over the course of four years between sexes were nonetheless comparable, except in the occipital lobe, where females exhibited faster progression. For these two scenarios to be compatible, WMH would clearly need to evolve faster in females than in males in other cerebral lobes before the age of 70 years (i.e., the median age in this study). Menopause may constitute a potential explanation for this sex-specific susceptibility to WMH. A relatively recent work in the Rhineland study, a large population-based German cohort, found that while pre-menopausal women and men of similar age did not differ in WMH volumes, post-menopausal women did have significantly larger WMH volumes compared to men of similar age [56]. This finding suggests that indeed menopause and accompanying hormonal and physiological changes might be behind this sex-difference[56]. Another explanation could be that elderly women in this ageing cohort had, on average, lower educational attainment, which could also contribute to their vulnerability to CSVD. The likely multifactorial nature of this finding requires careful consideration during modelling and reporting as well as dedicated analysis shedding light on the mechanisms potentially mediating such a vulnerability.
Albeit less commonly, a small number of participants exhibited clear and consistent WMH volume regression throughout the study period, as reported in previous literature [14,57]. The most pronounced case of WMH volume regression was observed in a female participant in her 60s, with a total cardiovascular risk score of 0.0, and 15 years of education (higher education). Regression in this participant was most noticeable in occipital brain regions and could be attributed to a loss of periventricular tissue caused by a substantial enlargement of the occipital horns of the lateral ventricles over time (Figure S2). While frequently discussed in the context of a radiological or technical issue [57], our finding adds a new dimension to the current explanations for WMH regression, wherein genuine changes in one neuroimaging marker can directly influence another. This finding strongly highlights the need for multimodal longitudinal strategies to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the synergistic role of cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative processes.
Cortical thinning
The thickness of the cerebral cortex decreased over the course of four years, corroborating that ageing also drives cortical thinning [7,58]. The rate at which thinning occurred was nonetheless subject- and region-specific. Cortical regions associated with sensory and sensorimotor functions appeared to be the earliest affected and most decreased by ageing. A decline in cortical thickness across these regions might contribute to decreased visual acuity, hearing sensitivity, and motor abilities [58–61]—all of which are expected during normal ageing, but were not examined as per the objectives of the current work. We also found substantial evidence of thinning across the cingulate cortex. This apparent ageing-related vulnerability is consistent with previous research indicating that both the caudal anterior and posterior cingulate cortex shrink during normal ageing [62]. The behavioural consequences of the rate of thinning in terms of decline in cognitive control and integrating behavioural, affective, and cognitive processes [63], remain to be elucidated.
Cortical thinning shows considerable heterogeneity across subjects. Somewhat surprisingly such inter-subject variability could not be fully explained by age, sex, years of education or cardiovascular risk factors, suggesting that other factors, e.g., genetics and lifestyle factors beyond cardiovascular risk factors [10–13], might influence cortical thinning during late life, possibly to a larger extent than demographics and established cardiovascular risk factors. Given that the rate of thinning might affect cognitive performance and activities of daily living, future research should determine the contribution of brain resilience and (modifiable) lifestyle factors to abnormal cortical thinning, as such findings could advance the development of novel interventions [64].
Co-occurrence beyond common risk factors
Even after adjusting for shared risk factors, we found evidence for a negative correlation between the initial thickness of the cerebral cortex and the initial volume of WMH, in line with previous work [3,6,10,23–25]. While other factors may contribute to this relationship, which we did not include in our analysis (e.g., genetics and lifestyle), this observation, found in a relatively healthy sample, suggests shared underlying pathological mechanisms.
WMH and cortical thinning
The initial volume of WMH in the brain partly explained the rate of thinning observed across multiple cortical regions over four years. This observation is consistent with the cerebrovascular hypothesis [1,65–67] and supports the notion that WMH are the visible tip of the iceberg [1], a sign of widespread rather than focal cerebrovascular and metabolic impairment [68,69].The apparent region-specific nature of the coupling between lobar WMH and regional cortical thickness raises the possibility that white matter fibres could be involved in the downstream effects of WMH. Potential secondary effects of WMH along the superior and inferior longitudinal fasciculus may, for instance, explain why those with occipital WMH would experience rapid thinning simulaneously across the temporal cortex and the cingulate cortex, including its rostral anterior regions. Mounting data indeed suggests that abnormal tissue characteristics can be found in intra- and perilesional white matter regions, but also in white matter fibres traversing WMH [1,27,69,70]. Also, cross-sectional investigations conducted in CSVD cohorts have demonstrated that cortical regions connected to incident lacunes, subcortical lacunar infarcts, and WMH through white matter fibers exhibit significantly reduced thickness than those that are not [30,65– 67]. Despite the overall compelling evidence for a contribution of WMH to cortical thinning, additional research leveraging imaging techniques like white matter tractography as well as animal models is needed to elucidate the role of white matter fibres in the long-term and remote effects of WMH in the brain.
Cortical thickness and WMH progression
The rate of WMH volumes increase over four years was partly explained by the thickness of the cerebral cortex at study enrolment, with slower WMH progression occuring in participants with higher initial cortical thicknesses. This may indicate potentially higher brain maintanance as a mechanism of healthy ageing [71]. This relationship was particularly evident when examining WMH progression across occipital regions in relation to insular and precentral cortex thickness at baseline. The simultaneous association of insular and precentral cortex thickness with WMH development may be multifaceted. Neuronal loss in both cortical regions may be linked to lifestyle adaptations stemming from ageing that contribute to a decline in sensorimotor functions—a primary risk factor for cardiovascular disease [72]. Considering the involvement of the insular cortex in the regulation of autonomic functions, a decline in this region could also result in blood pressure dysregulation [73,74], a condition which has been extensively shown to be associated with increased progression of WMH, and with more severe manifestations of CSVD [28,54,75].
The association between baseline cortical thickness and posterior WMH progression has a fundamental ramification: it supports the spatial heterogeneity of WMH, with neurodegeneration relating more to the progression of WMH in parietal and occipital regions than in frontal ones. Since cortical neurodegeneration accelerates with the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), this would explain why posterior WMH appear in subjects with minimal vascular pathology across the AD spectrum and why WMH in deep and periventricular posterior regions appear characteristics of AD [26,36,38,76]. It is also possible that an early (preclinical) increase in biomarkers indicative for AD may cause changes in the insular cortex, which then affects the cardiovascular system [73,74,77] and ultimately speeds up the progression of WMH in the brain—a possible explanation for Figure 3C. While promising, further research in other cohorts—especially with available amyloid- or tau-positron emission tomography [78]—are needed to determine how age- and AD-driven cortical neurodegeneration influences posterior WMH [76].
WMH progression and cortical thinning
WMH progression and cortical thinning rates were associated with one another, suggesting a rather consistent and predictable relationship between the two processes, wherein changes in one marker are accompanied by corresponding changes in the other and vice versa. In our group of cognitively unimpaired participants, this slope-slope association was particularly evident across frontal brain regions. This pattern seems to be less confined and more widespread with advanced stages of AD, as highlighted in a recent work with autosomal dominant AD and late-onset AD [33]. Further application of our methodology to cohorts at various stages of AD could, for example, provide further information on the mechanisms underlying the simultaneous progression of both processes.
Strengths and contextualisation
Longitudinal studies with cognitively unimpaired elderly participants exploring cross-domain associations between WMH and cortical thickness are scarce [1,4,79]. Whenever this kind of research has been done, the evidence supporting any kind of coupling has generally been lacking. In septuagenarian community-dwelling participants, Dickie et al. [4] could not find enough evidence supporting the relationship between total WMH volumes and cortical thickness of cortical grey matter structures neighbouring the Sylvian fissures over a three-year period. In a cohort of cognitively unimpaired participants, Hotz et al. [79] investigated cross-domain associations between total WMH volume and thinning of the entorhinal cortex over a duration of seven years using BLGCM. The authors found no evidence for cross-domain coupling and this absence of association was evident both at the study’s baseline and throughout its duration. Our findings are also compatible with the observation that patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), a neuroinflammatory condition primarily affecting white matter fiber tracts through demyelination, exhibit focal thinning of cortical areas [80,81].
Evidence supporting cross-domain has been, nonetheless, growing in participants symptomatic or more severe presentations of cerebrovascular [65–67,78,82] and neurodegenerative pathologies [33,78]. One potential explanation thus far for contradictory results could be the stage of dysfunction at which each participant is situated, i.e., coupling only becomes evident at advanced, symptomatic stages of cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative disease. On the other hand, as emphasised by our study, there are regional nuances to these cross-domain relationships that analyses with a lower level of granularity might fail to capture. Had we solely relied on global analyses for our study, we would have essentially been limited to observing nothing beyond the evident intercept-intercept association. This underscores the significance of employing multimodal and regional approaches to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the local and distant effects of one process on the other.
Our research has three main limitations. First, even though our BLGCM aligns with the data, causality remains elusive due to model equivariance. Latent change score models might be promising for further study of specific interactions over discrete time intervals [83]. The mass-univariate application of the BLGCM could be streamlined by using extended measurement models [84]. We can state, however, that our data supports a specific and partial spatiotemporal coupling between cortical neurodegeneration and cerebrovascular dysfunction. The specific circumstances that might lead to such coupling often remain undetermined and likely require the inclusion of more extensive biological parameters including complementary imaging modalities, such as diffusion tensor imaging [27,78,80]. If a Wallerian-like degeneration is responsible for the observed coupling—as also discussed in the literature [3,5,9,17,26,34,85]—there should be evidence within the white matter fibres themselves that mediate the interrelationships between cortical thickness and WMH. Second, we included a relatively healthy sample and a short time span (48 months, i.e., 4 years), which may have prevented a few cross-domain associations to become evident. The dynamics over longer time periods, as well as in other cohorts thus remain elusive, but will be a matter of future investigation. Third, we have, thus far, not assessed potential cognitive sequelae of WMH progression, cortical thinning, or their coupling in this study. Because these two processes appear to be coupled prior to any observable objective cognitive deficiencies, it could be that cognitive consequences are not detectable at this asymptomatic stage or that cognitive reserve is still able to compensate for the ongoing pathology or, as a recent study suggests, that cortical measurements predict well chronological age but not memory performance [86]. A trivariate latent change score model with WMH, cortical thickness, and cognitive performance could be used in the future to address this limitation.
Our work provides longitudinal evidence that cortical thinning and WMH progression could be mutually reinforcing as opposed to parallel, disassociated processes. The coupling between these two neuroradiological features appears to be entangled prior to the onset of any detectable cognitive deficits. Our findings support the ongoing discussion on perilesional and remote impacts of WMH, but, at the same time, provide evidence for the effects of cortical neurodegeneration on white matter integrity. Comprehensive, multimodal approaches, such as the one applied in this study, have the potential to facilitate the detection of downstream damage associated with the synergistic interaction among ageing, CSVD, and neurodegeneration in the brain.
Data Availability
The datasets used and analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
The study protocol was approved by the ethical committees of the medical faculties of all participating sites: the ethical committees of Berlin (Charite, University Medicine), Bonn, Cologne, Goettingen, Magdeburg, Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-University), Rostock, and Tuebingen. The process was led and coordinated by the ethical committee of the medical faculty of the University of Bonn. All commitees gave ethical approval for this work. All participants provided their written informed consent before inclusion in the study. DELCODE is retrospectively registered at the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS00007966, 04/05/2015). The DELCODE study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Availability of data and materials
The datasets used and analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Competing interests
The authors report no competing interests.
This research was supported by the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen, DZNE; reference number BN012) and funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG; Project IDs 425899996 and 362321501/RTG 2413 SynAGE; CRC 1436, projects A05, B02, B04 and C01). The funding bodies played no role in the design of the study or collection, analysis, or interpretation of data or in writing the manuscript.
Author’s contributions
Conceptualisation: JB, IM, GZ. Methodology: JB, IM, GZ. Software: JB, IM, GZ. Formal analysis: JB. Data Acquisition: OP, JHR, SDF, JP, EJS, SA, ASc, KF, JW, BHS, FJ, AR, WG, EII, KB, DJ, ME, RP, BSR, ST, IK, CL, SSo, ASp, AE, FL, PD, SH, KS, ED. Image processing: JB, RY. Visualisation: JB. Image analysis and modelling: JB, GZ. Investigation: JB, GZ. Supervision: GZ, ED. Project administration: GZ. Funding acquisition: ED. Resources: GZ, ED. Writing original draft preparation: JB, GZ. Writing – review and editing: All authors. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
We would like to express our gratitude to all DELCODE study participants. We also thank the Max-Delbrück-centrum für Molekulare Medizin in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (MDC), Freie Universität Berlin Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Berlin (CCNB), Bernstein Center für Computional Neuroscience Berlin, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen Core Facility MR-Research in Neurosciences, Institut für Klinische Radiologie Klinikum der Universität München, and Universitätsklinikum Tübingen MR-Forschungszentrum.
↵T Shared last authorship
We have updated the manuscript after detecting rendering problems in the previous submission.
- AD
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Bivariate Latent Growth Curve Model
- Consortium to Establish a Registry for AD
- Comparative Fit Index
- CI
- Confidence Interval
- Cerebrospinal Fluid
- Cerebral Small Vessel Disease
- DZNE Longitudinal Cognitive Impairment and Dementia Study
- German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases
- False Discovery Rate
- Human Connectome Project
- Latent Growth Curve Model
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- MS
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Root Mean Square Error of Approximation
- SE
- Standard Error
- Structural Equation Model
- Standardised Root Mean Residual
- Total Intracranial Volume
- White Matter Hyperintensities
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