INTRODUCTION Millions of U.S. patients have been hospitalized for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). After discharge, these patients often have extensive health care needs, but out-of-pocket burden for this care is poorly described. Using national data, we assessed out-of-pocket spending during the 90 days after COVID-19 hospitalization among privately insured and Medicare Advantage patients.
METHODS In May 2021, we conducted a cross-sectional analysis of the IQVIA PharMetrics® Plus for Academics Database, a national de-identified claims database. Among privately insured and Medicare Advantage patients hospitalized for COVID-19 between March-June 2020, we calculated mean out-of-pocket spending for care within 90 days of discharge. To contextualize results, we repeated analyses for patients hospitalized for bacterial pneumonia.
RESULTS Among 1,465 COVID-19 patients included, 516 (35.2%) and 949 (64.8%) were covered by private insurance and Medicare Advantage plans. Among these patients, mean (SD) post-discharge out-of-pocket spending was $ 534 (1,045) and $ 680 (1,360); spending exceeded $ 2,000 for 7.0% and 10.3%. Compared with patients with pneumonia, mean post-discharge out-of-pocket spending among COVID-19 patients was higher among the privately insured ($ 534 vs $ 445) and lower among Medicare Advantage patients ($ 680 vs $ 918).
CONCLUSIONS Out-of-pocket spending for immediate post-discharge care can be substantial for many patients hospitalized for COVID-19. Among Medicare Advantage patients, post-discharge out-of-pocket spending was higher after pneumonia hospitalizations, potentially because insurer cost-sharing waivers fully covered the costs of COVID-19-related readmissions during the study period. As many insurers allowed such waivers to expire in 2021, it is important to repeat analyses among patients more recently hospitalized for COVID-19.
Millions of U.S. patients have been hospitalized for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).1 After discharge, these patients often have extensive health care needs.2-4 However, out-of-pocket burden for this care has been poorly described. Addressing this gap in knowledge is crucial, as substantial out-of-pocket burden for post-discharge care might exacerbate other financial stresses experienced by patients hospitalized for COVID-19, such as loss of savings, income, and employment.4
Using national data, we assessed out-of-pocket spending during the 90 days after COVID-19 hospitalization among privately insured and Medicare Advantage patients and determined which services accounted for the most out-of-pocket spending. Analyses can inform policy discussions and public discourse regarding the financial health of COVID-19 survivors.
Study sample
In May 2021, we conducted a cross-sectional analysis of the IQVIA PharMetrics® Plus for Academics Database, which contains medical and pharmacy claims from de-identified patients in all U.S. states. Data included 7.7 million patients covered by fully-insured private plans and 1.0 million patients covered by Medicare Advantage plans in 2020. Claims through September 30, 2020 were available at the time of analysis. Because data were de-identified, the Institutional Review Board of the University of Michigan Medical School exempted analyses from human subjects review.
We identified hospitalizations for privately insured and Medicare Advantage patients that had a primary diagnosis of COVID-19 (ICD-10-CM diagnosis code U071) and that began and ended between March 1-June 30, 2020. We limited analyses to each patient’s first hospitalization during this period. We excluded patients without continuous medical and pharmacy coverage during the 90 days after discharge, patients whose plan was the secondary insurer, and patients with missing out-of-pocket spending data on any claim during the 90 days after discharge.
We calculated mean out-of-pocket spending (sum of deductibles, co-insurance, and co-payments) across all claims during the 90 days after discharge. Additionally, we calculated mean out-of-pocket spending for 14 service categories: additional hospitalizations, nursing facility admissions, outpatient (e.g., office visits), emergency department visits, radiology, laboratory, diagnostic/therapeutic procedures (e.g., colonoscopy, surgery), physical/occupational/speech/respiratory therapy, home health/hospice, transportation, clinician-administered medications (e.g., infusions), durable medical equipment and supplies, pharmacy-dispensed prescriptions, and miscellaneous (see Appendix for details). For context, we repeated analyses among a comparison group of patients hospitalized for bacterial pneumonia. Patients in this group met similar inclusion and exclusion criterion and did not overlap with the main sample.
Statistical analyses
Within payer types, we compared post-discharge out-of-pocket spending for COVID-19 and pneumonia patients using a one-part generalized linear model with a log link and Poisson variance function, chosen based on the modified Park test.5 Models adjusted for age group, sex, Census region of residence, and month of admission. Analyses used SAS 9.4, Stata 15.1 MP, and two-sided hypothesis tests with α = 0.05.
Of 2,275 COVID-19 patients meeting inclusion criteria, 810 (35.8%) were excluded, leaving 1,465 patients in the analytic sample. Table 1 displays sample characteristics. Overall, 516 (35.2%) and 949 (64.8%) patients were covered by private insurance and Medicare Advantage plans.
Among privately insured patients, mean (SD) post-discharge out-of-pocket spending was $ 534 (1,045). For 36 (7.0%) and 15 (2.9%) patients, this spending exceeded $ 2,000 and $ 4,000. Service categories accounting for the most out-of-pocket spending were pharmacy-dispensed prescriptions ($ 130; 24.4% of out-of-pocket spending) and hospitalizations ($ 111; 20.8%). Among Medicare Advantage patients, mean post-discharge out-of-pocket spending was $ 680 (1,360). For 98 (10.3%) and 34 (3.6%) patients, this spending exceeded $ 2,000 and $ 4,000. Service categories accounting for the most out-of-pocket spending were hospitalizations ($ 183; 27.0%) and nursing facility admissions ($ 126; 18.6%) (Table 2). Among privately insured and Medicare Advantage patients, 43.5% and 40.3% of out-of-pocket spending for pharmacy-dispensed prescriptions was for anticoagulants, diabetes drugs (e.g., insulin and sulfonylureas), and bronchodilators. In both populations, these medication classes accounted for the 3 highest shares of out-of-pocket spending for pharmacy-dispensed prescriptions.
Table 1 displays characteristics of the 1,374 patients hospitalized for pneumonia included in analyses. Among the 245 privately insured pneumonia patients, mean (SD) post-discharge out-of-pocket spending was $ 450 (924), compared with $ 534 among COVID-19 patients (adjusted difference: -$ 131, 95% CI: -$ 135, -$ 128). Among the 1,129 Medicare Advantage patients, mean (SD) post-discharge out-of-pocket spending was $ 918 (1,263), compared with $ 680 among COVID-19 patients (adjusted difference: $ 291, 95% CI: $ 288, $ 294). Among 370 Medicare Advantage patients with additional hospitalizations after a pneumonia hospitalization, 306 (82.7%) had out-of-pocket spending for the additional hospitalizations. Among 206 Medicare Advantage patients with additional hospitalizations after a COVID-19 hospitalization, 141 (68.1%) had out-of-pocket spending for the additional hospitalizations.
During the 90 days after COVID-19 hospitalization, privately insured and Medicare Advantage patients paid an average of $ 534 and $ 680 for health care; 7.0% and 10.3% of patients paid more than $ 2,000. For privately insured patients, prescriptions and additional hospitalizations accounted for the highest shares of out-of-pocket spending. For Medicare Advantage patients, additional hospitalizations and nursing facility admissions accounted for the highest shares.
For the privately insured, post-discharge out-of-pocket spending was higher among patients hospitalized for COVID-19 than among patients hospitalized for pneumonia. Perhaps surprisingly, the opposite was true for Medicare Advantage patients. A potential explanation is that some post-discharge care for COVID-19 patients, including readmissions for COVID-19, were covered by insurer cost-sharing waivers for COVID-19 hospitalizations.6 In support of this possibility, Medicare Advantage patients who were hospitalized for COVID-19 and subsequently had additional hospitalizations were less likely to have out-of-pocket spending for these additional hospitalizations compared with pneumonia patients. As many insurers allowed their cost-sharing waivers to expire in early 20217, post-discharge out-of-pocket spending among patients hospitalized for COVID-19 could now be higher than among study patients.
The pneumonia comparison highlights that out-of-pocket spending after hospitalization discharge can be high for many conditions. Even if future studies demonstrate that long-term out-of-pocket spending after COVID-19 hospitalization is not especially great compared with other conditions, this would not detract from the fact that the absolute level of this spending can still be substantial for many COVID-19 patients. Moreover, given the high volume of U.S. hospitalizations for COVID-19 to date1, the number of patients with substantial out-of-pocket spending for post-discharge care may be large. Consequently, monitoring out-of-pocket spending and the financial health of these patients is a key clinical and policy priority.
This study has limitations. First, analyses only captured the immediate period after COVID-19 hospitalization. Second, the post-discharge period in this study occurred during the early stages of the pandemic, when utilization of health care services decreased sharply owing to social distancing measures and fears of contracting COVID-19.8 Post-discharge utilization, and therefore out-of-pocket spending, might be higher now that utilization is approaching pre-pandemic levels. Third, this study required hospital discharge by June 30, 2020 because a 90-day post-discharge period was needed and claims were complete only through September 30, 2020 at the time of analysis. While necessary, this decision excluded patients with prolonged hospitalizations who may require intensive post-discharge care. Consequently, analyses likely underestimate out-of-pocket burden among all COVID-19 survivors. Finally, patients may not be fully representative of the entire privately insured and Medicare Advantage population.
In this national cohort of 1,465 patients hospitalized for COVID-19 during March-June 2020, out-of-pocket spending within 90 days of discharge exceeded $ 2,000 for approximately 1 in 14 privately insured patients and 1 in 10 Medicare Advantage patients. Future studies should repeat analyses among patients more recently hospitalized for COVID-19 using longer follow-up periods.
Data Availability
Data are proprietary and cannot be shared
Author Contributions
Dr. Chua had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
Study concept and design: Chua, Conti, Becker
Acquisition of data: Chua
Analysis and interpretation of data: Chua, Conti, Becker
Drafting of the manuscript: Chua
Critical revision of the manuscript: Chua, Conti, Becker
Statistical analysis: Chua
Study supervision: Becker
Funding source
Funding for purchasing IQVIA data was partially provided by the Susan B. Meister Child Health Evaluation and Research Center at the University of Michigan Medical School. Dr. Chua’s effort is supported by a career development award from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (grant number 1K08DA048110-01). The funders played no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication
Conflicts of interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
Conflicts of interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
Financial disclosures: none