Validation of a transcriptome-based assay for classifying cancers of unknown primary origin
Jackson Michuda, Alessandra Breschi, Joshuah Kapilivsky, Kabir Manghnani, Calvin McCarter, Adam J Hockenberry, Brittany Mineo, Catherine Igartua, Joel T Dudley, Martin C Stumpe, Nike Beaubier, Maryam Shirazi, Ryan Jones, Elizabeth Morency, Kim Blackwell, Justin Guinney, Kyle A Beauchamp, Timothy Taxter
Jackson Michuda
Tempus Labs, Inc.
Alessandra Breschi
Tempus Labs, Inc.
Joshuah Kapilivsky
Tempus Labs, Inc.
Kabir Manghnani
Tempus Labs, Inc.
Calvin McCarter
Tempus Labs, Inc.
Adam J Hockenberry
Tempus Labs, Inc.
Brittany Mineo
Tempus Labs, Inc.
Catherine Igartua
Tempus Labs, Inc.
Joel T Dudley
Tempus Labs, Inc.
Martin C Stumpe
Tempus Labs, Inc.
Nike Beaubier
Tempus Labs, Inc.
Maryam Shirazi
Tempus Labs, Inc.
Ryan Jones
Tempus Labs, Inc.
Elizabeth Morency
Tempus Labs, Inc.
Kim Blackwell
Tempus Labs, Inc.
Justin Guinney
Tempus Labs, Inc.
Kyle A Beauchamp
Tempus Labs, Inc.
Timothy Taxter
Tempus Labs, Inc.
Data Availability
Raw data for this study were generated at Tempus Labs. Derived data supporting the findings of this study are available within the paper and its Supplementary Figures/Tables or available from the authors upon request.
Posted May 09, 2022.
Validation of a transcriptome-based assay for classifying cancers of unknown primary origin
Jackson Michuda, Alessandra Breschi, Joshuah Kapilivsky, Kabir Manghnani, Calvin McCarter, Adam J Hockenberry, Brittany Mineo, Catherine Igartua, Joel T Dudley, Martin C Stumpe, Nike Beaubier, Maryam Shirazi, Ryan Jones, Elizabeth Morency, Kim Blackwell, Justin Guinney, Kyle A Beauchamp, Timothy Taxter
medRxiv 2022.05.06.22274683; doi:
Validation of a transcriptome-based assay for classifying cancers of unknown primary origin
Jackson Michuda, Alessandra Breschi, Joshuah Kapilivsky, Kabir Manghnani, Calvin McCarter, Adam J Hockenberry, Brittany Mineo, Catherine Igartua, Joel T Dudley, Martin C Stumpe, Nike Beaubier, Maryam Shirazi, Ryan Jones, Elizabeth Morency, Kim Blackwell, Justin Guinney, Kyle A Beauchamp, Timothy Taxter
medRxiv 2022.05.06.22274683; doi:
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