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Interpreting declines in HIV prevalence: impact of spatial aggregation and migration on expected declines in prevalence
  1. P T Walker,
  2. T B Hallett,
  3. P J White,
  4. G P Garnett
  1. Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, St Mary’s Campus, London, UK
  1. Mr P T Walker, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, St Mary’s Campus, Norfolk Place, London W2 1PG, UK; patrick.walker06{at}


Background: Declines in the prevalence of HIV might occur due to natural epidemic dynamics rather than changes in risk behaviour. Determining the cause of an observed decline is important in understanding the epidemiology of HIV.

Objective: To explore how patterns of recruitment and interactions between subpopulations in different areas influence the predicted decline in the prevalence of HIV in the absence of reductions in risk behaviour.

Methods: A deterministic mathematical model of the heterosexual transmission of HIV in high prevalence endemic settings incorporating various patterns of recruitment to high-risk behaviour groups, population growth and migration was solved numerically. The possibility that apparent trends are generated or obscured through aggregating data from across areas experiencing different epidemics is also considered.

Results: Declines in the prevalence of HIV can occur even if individuals do not change behaviour, raising the possibility that epidemic downturns could be wrongly attributed to interventions. This effect is greatest when individuals do not enter higher risk groups to compensate for reductions in size caused by deaths from AIDS and when migration is non-random with respect to risk or infectious status and migration patterns change as the epidemic matures. In contrast, aggregating prevalence data from subregions with different epidemic profiles tends to mask declines in prevalence.

Conclusions: Interpreting surveillance data is important in understanding widespread responses to HIV epidemics. The results show that understanding patterns of adoption of risk behaviours and patterns of migration is important in interpreting declines in the prevalence of HIV.

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Substantial national and international resources have recently been devoted to the treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS in those developing countries where the epidemic has been the worst.1 There is a natural desire among those channelling resources into programmes—such as the Global Fund for AIDS, TB and Malaria, the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and other major programmes—to understand the potential effectiveness of their planned programmes and to evaluate the success of their activities.2 In evaluating interventions either in individuals or communities, a hierarchy of study design according to rigour3 can be based on the ability to compare outcomes associated with the intervention with unbiased control situations. A fundamental criterion for a trial is that a straightforward, replicable and ethical treatment or intervention is available. Additional design features add rigour: randomisation is intended to make intervention and control arms comparable but is not always feasible. In non-randomised controlled trials with contemporaneous comparison groups there is the possibility that interventions are allocated to individuals or locations where a favourable outcome is more or less likely, resulting in a spurious positive or negative result, respectively.4 In a “before and after” comparison within a setting the circumstances may vary with time. This is especially true for an epidemic like that of HIV which we expect to evolve over time.5 6 Perhaps the least satisfying comparison is between observed outcomes and those predicted without the intervention. Nonetheless, in some circumstances a comparison of observed with predicted outcomes is the only method available.7

To understand the impact of interventions aiming to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, community-level randomised controlled trials are necessary, although resource constraints mean that they are necessarily small relative to a full-scale intervention. Ideally, interventions will have shown efficacy at this level before they are implemented at scale. Unfortunately, urgency and a disregard of trial results mean that many unproven interventions are in widespread use.2 To understand the impact of a complex set of interventions at a country level, a trial is no longer viable and rigorous observation has to suffice.7 Mathematical models are a tool used to predict the natural pattern through which an epidemic evolves.6 Unfortunately, there exist complex thresholds in the patterns of risk which determine the extent of epidemic spread, making it extremely difficult to predict the scale and timing of peak prevalence. Once a peak in prevalence has been observed, we can begin to predict the subsequent progress of the epidemic if there are no changes in patterns of sexual behaviour. These predictions provide the counterfactual with which to compare observed epidemics to determine whether declines in prevalence are consistent with behaviour having remained the same or having changed.

Declines in the prevalence of HIV can occur as an epidemic progresses when behaviour does not change.8 9 In a heterosexually transmitted HIV epidemic, the variation from person to person in patterns of unprotected sex means that incidence will rise quickly at first as the infection spreads among those with the greatest risk of acquiring and transmitting infection. Thereafter, incidence will decline as infections are increasingly among those at lower risk. The long interval between HIV infection and AIDS death means that the surge in mortality caused by the early spike in incidence will not occur until after incidence has settled at a lower level. For a time in a maturing epidemic, AIDS deaths can exceed current incidence levels and lead to a decline in prevalence. After the first wave of mortality and in the absence of further changes in incidence, prevalence will remain constant. It would be wrong to interpret a decline in the prevalence of HIV as necessarily being the result of successful interventions without further analysis, but two criteria might indicate changing risks: (1) if the reductions in prevalence are greater than could be explained by declines in incidence due to the “natural dynamics” described above, or (2) if the declines in prevalence represent declines in incidence subsequent to an initial decline in incidence. However, there may also be a longer-term natural reduction in incidence due to individuals with the riskiest sexual behaviour being more likely to die of AIDS. This would have both a direct effect on incidence, with fewer high-risk individuals being available to acquire the infection, and an indirect effect, with low-risk individuals having less opportunity to form risky sexual partnerships, but this effect assumes that high-risk behaviour continues over the lifetime.9

National level analyses that have provided convincing evidence of reductions in risk have relied on observing greater than expected declines in prevalence over a longer than expected period. The two main success stories in HIV prevention were Thailand and Uganda, where convincing evidence took many years to accumulate and be accepted. In Thailand, routinely collected data from military recruits showed that the incidence and risk behaviours had been reduced following interventions.10 11 In Uganda the evidence proved more controversial12 because it was based on samples of pregnant women attending antenatal clinics and came at a time in the epidemic when rising AIDS mortality would be expected to cause a modest decline in prevalence, even if the incidence of HIV was unchanged.13 14 However, in Uganda the observed trends were far greater than could be generated by a model that assumed constant sexual behaviour.13 The comparison with the model leant considerable weight to the argument that the observed changes in behaviour15 were indeed associated with the decline in prevalence, and this has had a great influence on international policy in tackling HIV.16 A similar study also found that declines in prevalence observed in Zimbabwe, Kenya and Haiti, but not in other countries analysed, were associated with behavioural changes.17

In these analyses a counterfactual pattern for the epidemic was created using mathematical models of post-peak epidemics which could be compared with the observed epidemic trends. This can be done in two ways. First, if models make assumptions maximising declines in prevalence in the absence of behaviour change, then they provide a conservative test of whether behaviour has changed if the prevalence declines by more than this counterfactual. This allows a dichotomous evaluation of whether or not there is good evidence of a decline in prevalence due to behaviour change. To quantify the decline in incidence and the behaviour change that could have generated the observed declines requires a “best estimate” projection of the course of the epidemic without behaviour change. The latter would involve an accurate choice of model structure and model parameters, whereas the former simply requires us to include all reasonable structures and assumptions that could decrease prevalence. In the previous analysis of Hallett et al17 it was found that a number of factors lead to greater reductions in prevalence: (1) rapid progression from infection to death, linking the decline in incidence more closely with the mortality; (2) a sharp peak in incidence which generated a more concentrated period of mortality; (3) no replacement of those with high-risk behaviours as they die (ie, a constant pattern of adoption of high-risk behaviours over time as individuals become sexually active). This set of assumptions maximised declines in the model used, but further structural assumptions could potentially extend the natural declines in prevalence and need to be tested. Here we take the same basic approach but add some additional complexity to our model to investigate their impact. Specifically, we address:

  • how the processes of population growth and adoption of risk behaviours lead to changes in incidence and prevalence;

  • the effect of analysing prevalence trends in aggregated subregional data; and

  • the impact of migration between regions experiencing different types of epidemic on observed epidemic declines.


Following others,17 18 a deterministic mathematical model of the heterosexual transmission of HIV in a population stratified by sex and sexual activity was developed (full details in the online data supplement). To focus on the effects of aggregating prevalence from separate subregional epidemics, the population was further stratified into three independent geographical subpopulations. In further analyses, migration was represented by allowing movement between subpopulations. It was possible to adjust the characteristics of migrants (with respect to risk group, sex and HIV status) while holding the overall volume of migration constant.

HIV infection was represented by a series of stages: acute infection (lasting 6 months with a high transmission probability), incubating infection (lasting 5 years with a low transmission probability) and “pre-AIDS” (a stage where symptoms are more likely but the individual would not be classed as having AIDS, lasting 6 months with a high transmission probability). Individuals with AIDS (surviving for 6 months) were assumed not to be sexually active. This is a deliberately short period to maximise declines in prevalence.

There were four risk groups in each sex; those with the greatest number of partners composed the smallest group and those with the fewest partners the largest group. Individuals of one sex in each risk group were assigned a set rate of sexual partnership formation which determined the rates of partnership formation of the other sex.19 Partnerships were formed preferentially with individuals in the same risk group of the opposite sex with a pattern of mixing specified between assortative and random. The force of infection experienced by individuals was calculated from their rate of partnership formation and the prevalence of the different stages of HIV infection among their sexual partners. Preliminary analyses established that changing which sex had the assigned partnership formation rates had little effect.

In the model it is assumed that once individuals become sexually active they have a characteristic subsequent pattern of behaviour (ie, that they remain in the same risk group). Within this constraint we explored three scenarios for patterns of recruitment into risk groups:

  1. the proportion of individuals entering each risk group remains constant over time: in this scenario differential mortality of the higher risk groups associated with AIDS reduces the average rate of sexual partner change of the population;

  2. the proportion of individuals entering each risk group is adjusted so that the effects of AIDS mortality are compensated for and the overall distribution of risk behaviour in the population is held constant; and

  3. the distribution was allowed to change over time so that it matched the current distribution in the population that is already sexually active: (ie, those entering the sexually active population adopt the prevailing pattern of behaviour).

Patterns (2) and (3) can be thought of as volitional changes. For the pattern where average risk is maintained (2), those entering the population are more likely to adopt high-risk behaviours because of the demand for sex partners. This could be due to social pressure being applied to younger people or economic pressures if there were demand for high-risk behaviour, including commercial sex. The pattern reflecting prevailing behaviours (3) is one where young people adopt the patterns of behaviour in the population at the time of sexual debut, which may lead to fewer entering higher-risk groups later in the epidemic.

In addition to patterns of behaviour adopted by those entering the sexually active population, we explored how changing the overall rate of recruitment could alter the HIV epidemic. The addition of new susceptible individuals could reduce prevalence by adding to the denominator population but not immediately to the numerator population. Hence, we explored population growth and increases in recruitment rates rather than the more likely reductions in recruitment rates due to increased mortality and decreased fertility as the epidemic develops. Rates of entry will reflect earlier birth rates and infant and child survival, and so can vary greatly over time. Two scenarios were explored: one with a constant recruitment (of 4.5% per annum in the absence of AIDS) that was sufficient to maintain a monotonic increase in population growth throughout the course of the epidemic, and one where the rate of recruitment was varied to compensate for AIDS mortality such that the population growth rate was constant. Thus, with the latter scenario, net recruitment is boosted as the epidemic matures and AIDS mortality increases.

The impact of migration was first explored through scenario analysis to identify the conditions under which it could exaggerate observed declines in prevalence. Subsequently, the potential scale of these declines was quantified in a sensitivity analysis. The parameters determining the volume and timing of migration, the character of migrants (eg, disproportionately high-risk or infected), the population size and rate of population growth, and prevalence of HIV in the population from which they migrated were varied simultaneously (see table S2 in the online supplement). Using a standard stratified sampling technique,20 21 150 separate simulations were run with unique sets of parameters drawn from the ranges in table S2. The decline in prevalence following its peak was measured for these different simulations.


Groups with the highest risk of HIV infection are likely to suffer greater AIDS-related mortality so their relative size could decline over time. The level at which incidence settles and the consequent decline in prevalence following an epidemic peak will be determined by the extent to which individuals repopulate the high-risk groups (fig 1). If the proportion of those newly sexually active entering risk groups is stable (scenario 1), then the relative size of the higher risk groups will decline over time due to differential mortality. This reduces average risk behaviour leading to lower incidence and a post-peak decline in prevalence. Alternatively, if the relative sizes of the risk groups are maintained by increased recruitment to the higher risk groups (scenario 2), the prevalence will stay at its peak level. Lastly, if the proportion of those starting sex entering higher risk groups reflects the current size of the groups (scenario 3), there is further depletion of the high-risk behaviour. This mechanism involves a positive feedback which drives down the risk within the population and eventually drives HIV to extinction.

Figure 1 Influence of different patterns of recruitment to sexual risk behaviour on the prevalence of HIV infection as a function of time. Three epidemic scenarios are defined according to the distribution of risk of individuals starting sex (see text for details); individuals recruited to the risk groups in constant proportions over time (scenario 1: thin lines); individuals recruited to risk groups so that average risk behaviour in population is maintained (scenario 2: dashed lines); and individuals recruited to risk groups in proportion to current population risk distribution (scenario 3: heavy lines). Two different scenarios were also defined according to how the population growth rates change in response to AIDS mortality; constant per capita recruitment rate (population growth rates reduce with AIDS mortality; grey lines) or adjusted recruitment rate (constant population growth, recruitment rate increases to compensate for AIDS mortality; heavy black lines).

In contrast to the risk distribution adopted by the newly active, changes in the rate of recruitment has little impact on prevalence (fig 1). Our chosen assumptions were aimed at generating a growing population which would increase the proportion of the population susceptible. With higher rates of recruitment as the epidemic matures, more susceptible individuals are included in the denominator population when calculating prevalence and this extends the apparent decline in prevalence (black lines in fig 1). However, with recruitment rates consistent with realistic population growth, the difference is very small.

Because prevalence data are usually aggregated from different regions before being analysed for trends, we investigated whether this could lead to a perception of greater declines. We found that, on the contrary, pooling prevalence across independent epidemics of different magnitude and timing generally masks the declines seen in the individual epidemics (fig 2A and B). Declines in prevalence in individual epidemics that do not coincide tend to “cancel out” in the aggregate. Only if prevalence peaks at exactly the same time in the separate populations is the decline apparent in the aggregate (fig 2C and D). The decline detected in the aggregate is no greater than the declines observed in the subpopulations. Thus, declines in prevalence observed in aggregated data can be more confidently associated with changes in risk behaviour because the natural downturns in each subpopulation will tend to cancel out in the aggregated data.

Figure 2 Illustrations of the effect of analysing aggregated prevalence data. (A) Prevalence plotted over time for three separate populations with different risk behaviour characteristics where the epidemics decline at different times. (B) Prevalence over time in the aggregate of data from the populations shown in (A). (C) Prevalence plotted over time for three separate populations with different risk behaviour characteristics where the epidemics decline at the same time. (D) Prevalence trends in the aggregate of data from the populations shown in (C).

A further complexity is that the populations from which data are aggregated may not be independent but linked through migration. We investigated the conditions under which migration could lead to greater declines in prevalence. A range of rates of migration—which were allowed to vary over time—was explored, with different migrant characteristics (ie, whether the migrants were more likely than random to be high-risk, infected or from a higher prevalence setting) (fig 3). We found that, for migration to enhance the decline in prevalence in an observed population, the volume of migration or the characteristics of the migrants must change over time. Migration that is random with respect to these factors does not influence the course of the simulated epidemic. If the pattern of migration remains the same throughout the epidemic, then although the scale of the epidemic can be altered, its shape (in terms of the decline after the peak) is little affected.

Figure 3 Impact of in-migration on the prevalence of HIV as a function of time. In all plots the black line shows the prevalence over time if there is no migration, the grey line shows the prevalence when there is in-migration (at a rate of 4% from the “donor” population (same population size)), and the horizontal arrows mark the period when migration occurs (there is no migration at other times). While holding the rate of in-migration constant, the character of migrants is varied: migrants are (A) of higher risk or (B) lower risk than average in the population (with the chance of migration increasing or decreasing twofold with each ascending risk category); migrants are (C) four times more likely to be HIV infected or (D) four times less likely to be HIV infected; and migrants come from a region where the HIV prevalence is (E) 15 percentage points higher or (F) 15 percentage points lower. In all cases the timing of migration (before or after the peak in prevalence) maximises the extent of the decline in prevalence either by increasing the peak prevalence level (A, C, E) or suppressing the equilibrium prevalence (B, D, F).

Changing migration patterns that exaggerate the peak prevalence or depress the equilibrium prevalence generate more marked declines in prevalence (fig 3). The peak prevalence is increased by early (prior to peak prevalence) in-migration where migrants tend to be from higher risk groups or are more likely to be infected than the current composition of the population (fig 3A, C, E). Prevalence then falls to a lower level if this migration is reduced following the peak. Alternatively, the equilibrium prevalence can be reduced if in-migration starts after the peak and migrants tend to be of lower risk or are less likely to be HIV-infected (fig 3B, D, F). Since both of these processes enhance the decline in prevalence, a greater net effect is generated if they act in combination. It follows that the converse of these patterns would tend to prevent declines in prevalence. The migration of high-risk individuals tends to generate the greatest effect because high-risk migrants do not only import prevalent infections but they also increase average transmission risk in the subpopulation leading to higher incidence rates.

Exploring the range of potential impacts of in-migration on observed prevalence trends, we have plotted the declines simulated against the rate of migration while simultaneously varying the timing and characteristics of the migration (fig 4). It is clear that, with greater rates of migration, there is a much greater chance of more marked declines in prevalence. However, at lower—and probably more common—migration rates (<3% turnover per year), migration is less likely to substantially enhance the observed decline in prevalence.

Figure 4 Extent to which migration enhances declines in prevalence as a function of migration rate in the sensitivity analysis comparing HIV prevalence trends for different migration patterns. The relative changes in the size (in percentage points) of the simulated declines in prevalence (relative to simulation with no migration) are plotted as a function of the overall volume of out-migration (per capita rate). The points are generated using 500 unique sets of parameter values which simultaneously vary the timing of the migration flow and the characteristics (ie, risk distribution and serostatus) of the migrants.


Observed trends in the prevalence of HIV from consistently sampled groups with associated studies of behaviour offer the only realistic opportunity of understanding the national impact of HIV prevention interventions. However, without randomly assigned control populations we must question the validity of our analyses. We expect epidemics to grow and then saturate, and the point at which prevalence plateaus is extremely difficult to predict. After the peak, declines in prevalence might be interpreted as intervention success, but two key questions need to be addressed: (1) has the decline in prevalence really been caused by a reduction in risk and, if so, (2) what are the possible explanations for this reduction in risk? Our analysis builds on attempts to address the first of these questions rigorously. We have confirmed a previous analysis illustrating the decline in prevalence associated with a constant proportion of those newly sexually active entering each risk group.17 In addition, we have shown that aggregating data across populations and increased population growth will not lead to greater declines in prevalence but that changing patterns of immigration or emigration could.

The trends in HIV prevalence are influenced by migration under a special set of circumstances: when migration rates change and when those migrating have different HIV risks from the rest of the population. The size of the effect clearly depends upon the rate of migration and, if this is large enough to be important, then it should be detectable in data on migration rates and migrants. Analyses of prevalence trends need to pay increasing attention to patterns of migration if it is non-random with respect to infection status or risk behaviour. For instance, if the availability of antiretroviral treatment is localised, then migration of those with HIV infection could increase. However, it is not necessary for individuals to know their infection status for migration to be non-random because infection status and migration may both be correlated with a third variable such as education or wealth.22 23 Increased opportunities for paid labour may stimulate migration and this kind of displacement can be related to increased risk behaviour.2426 Alternatively, the healthiest (infection-free) workers may tend to migrate the longest distances. The declines in prevalence observed in Zimbabwe occurred when migration was increasing.27 Models indicate that, without changes in risk behaviour, infected individuals would have had to be much more likely to migrate than others to explain the trends. In fact, local28 and international27 studies did not find a bias towards HIV infection among those emigrating.

Our results show that the prevalence of HIV will decline markedly if recruitment into high-risk groups declines following the declines in size of those groups due to AIDS mortality. This can be interpreted as a reduction in risk behaviour among those entering the sexually active population where the implied mechanism is observing deaths due to AIDS or adoption of the prevailing behavioural patterns. Other patterns of reduced risk are possible—for example, changes in behaviour among those already sexually active—and these changes could be decreased numbers of partners, increased condom use or other factors.

The most recent estimates of average survival time is approximately 11 years,29 significantly longer than had previously been assumed.30 31 It has previously been shown that longer survival times with HIV lessen declines in prevalence.17 In order to generate the most extreme changes, we have used a shorter survival time (6.5 years). However, in analyses assuming longer survival times our qualitative conclusions are not affected (fig S1 in the online supplement). We also found that our assumption that individuals with AIDS do not form sexual partnerships maximises the declines in prevalence (fig S2 in online supplement).

The aim of our analysis was to explore possible conditions leading to declines in the prevalence of HIV that do not depend on reductions in HIV risk in those who are already sexually active, thus generating a conservative null model with which to compare observed declines. Not all potential influences have been included in our model, but some have been explored previously. For example, progressive declines in fertility among HIV-infected women leading to biases in attendance at antenatal clinics used in surveillance was found to occur too quickly to influence the declines observed nationally.17 32 Other potential influences still require further exploration but would require a different model structure from that described here. In our model we assume that, once an individual enters a sexual activity class, they remain within that activity class throughout their sexually active life. An alternative model that assumed individuals moved to lower activity classes as they aged generated a lower HIV prevalence and greater HIV declines.32 Here we model heterosexual HIV transmission, but some epidemics may be driven by transmission among men who have sex with men and/or injecting drug users. Intuitively, multiple epidemics in distinct high-risk groups should act like aggregated epidemics across independent populations and mask declines in prevalence in a particular group. However, the range of behaviours possible needs to be explored in detail with more complex models. A more radical alteration in model structure would be to explicitly represent all the connections in the sexual partner network; AIDS mortality could remove key individuals connecting components of the sexual partner network, greatly influencing the dynamics of HIV transmission. To analyse this possibility and whether it could affect the macroscale trends which are of interest when looking at sentinel surveillance data from entire countries would require individual-based models simulating the sex partner network.

Key messages

  • Interpreting surveillance data is important in understanding widespread responses to HIV epidemics.

  • Understanding patterns of adoption of risk behaviours and patterns of migration is important in interpreting declines in the prevalence of HIV.

  • Aggregating surveillance data across regions is unlikely to produce exaggerated declines in prevalence; instead, it is probable that the extent of the declined in individual regions will be marked.

We have explored three mechanisms generating “natural” declines in the prevalence of HIV: population growth, aggregation across epidemics and migration. This adds to earlier analysis of recruitment to high-risk groups and patterns of fertility. Together these findings should increase confidence that observed large declines in the prevalence of HIV are associated with reduced risk. However, to estimate the scale of risk reductions or to detect modest changes, more detailed models and more detailed risk behaviour data are required.33 In addition, other factors such as changes in behaviour associated with age and the details of network structure require future modelling analysis. The increased emphasis on evaluating global health interventions makes it likely that such analyses and data will be forthcoming.


Supplementary materials


  • Funding: PTW thanks the UK Medical Research Council; TBH thanks the Wellcome Trust; PJW thanks the Wellcome Trust and UNAIDS; GPG thanks UNAIDS, the Wellcome Trust and the UK Medical Research Council.

  • Competing interests: None.

  • The study was conceived jointly by the authors. The model was coded and analysed by PGW with the assistance of the other authors. All authors contributed to drafting the manuscript.