Benzodiazépines: dépendance et approche thérapeutique pour un retrait graduel

Can Fam Physician. 1987 Nov:33:2545-8.


The extensive use of benzodiazepines in treating anxiety and insomnia makes clinicians ask themselves about the risk of addiction relating to these drugs.(1-3) Indeed, it is estimated that in Canada, the United-States, and Western Europe, between 10% and 20% of persons use tranquilizers or hypnotics (mostly benzodiazepines) during a one-year period. Of these persons 70% are 50 years of age or more. It has been noted that 15% of those persons have been using these drugs for more than 12 months.(4, 5) In 1980, Tyrer reported that 50% of the patients who receive a prescription for benzodiazepines renew that prescription without consulting their physician.(6) In this article, the authors briefly review the dependency, risk factors and clinical signs resulting from withdrawal of these drugs. They also define a rational therapeutic approach to discontinuing their use.