Article Information
- March 8, 2023.
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Author Information
- Michael L. Waskom, PhD1,*,
- Katherine Tan, PhD1,
- Holly Wiberg, PhD1,
- Aaron B. Cohen, MD, MSCE1,
- Brett Wittmershaus, BSE1 and
- Will Shapiro, M.Math, Sc.B1
- ↵*Corresponding author:
Michael Waskom, michael.waskom{at}, Flatiron Health, Inc., 233 Spring Street, New York City, NY 10013
Author Contributions: Conceptualization: MW, AC, BW, WS
Methodology: MW, HW, WS
Validation: MW, KT, HW
Formal Analysis: MW, KT, HW
Writing – Original Draft Preparation: MW
Writing – Review & Editing: MW, KT, HW, AC, BW, WS
Supervision: WS
Project Administration: MW
Funding Acquisition: N/A