Health service research definition builder: An R Shiny application for exploring diagnosis codes associated with services reported in routinely collected health data
View ORCID ProfileKelsey Chalmers, Valérie Gopinath, Adam G Elshaug
Kelsey Chalmers
1Lown Institute, Boston, Massachusetts USA
PhDValérie Gopinath
1Lown Institute, Boston, Massachusetts USA
MSAdam G Elshaug
2Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne, Victoria Australia
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Posted March 18, 2022.
Health service research definition builder: An R Shiny application for exploring diagnosis codes associated with services reported in routinely collected health data
Kelsey Chalmers, Valérie Gopinath, Adam G Elshaug
medRxiv 2022.03.16.22272475; doi:
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