It is now acknowledged that Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) processes are present decades before the onset of clinical symptoms, but it remains unknown whether lifestyle factors can protect against these early AD processes in mid-life. We asked whether modifiable lifestyle activities impact cognition in middle-aged individuals who are cognitively healthy, but at risk for late life AD. Participants (40–59 years) completed cognitive and clinical assessments at baseline (N = 210) and two years follow-up (N = 188). Mid-life activities were measured with the Lifetime of Experiences Questionnaire. We assessed the impact of lifestyle activities, known risk factors for sporadic late-onset AD (Apolipoprotein E □4 allele status, family history of dementia, and the Cardiovascular Risk Factors Aging and Dementia score), and their interactions on cognition. More frequent engagement in physically, socially and intellectually stimulating activities was associated with better cognition (verbal, spatial and relational memory), at baseline and follow-up. Critically, more frequent engagement in these activities was associated with stronger cognition (verbal and visuospatial functions, and conjunctive short-term memory binding) in individuals with family history of dementia. Impaired visuospatial function is one of the earliest cognitive deficits in AD and has previously associated with increased AD risk in this cohort. Additionally, conjunctive memory functions have been found impaired in the pre-symptomatic stages of AD. These findings suggest that modifiable lifestyle activities offset cognitive decrements due to AD risk in mid-life and support the targeting of modifiable lifestyle activities for the prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Dementia is a growing pandemic that presents profound challenges to health care systems, families, and societies throughout the world. Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), the most common etiology of dementia, is characterized by relentless neurodegeneration and accelerated cognitive decline in the years following presentation of clinical symptoms. It is now accepted that AD pathological processes are present decades before clinically relevant symptoms appear [1-2]. In the absence of effective pharmacological treatments, there is an immediate need for early identification, intervention and risk burden modification [3-4] for AD.
Growing evidence suggests that up to 40% of all dementia cases are associated with known lifestyle-related modifiable risk factors, such as alcohol consumption, obesity and hypertension among others [4]. As exposure to most of these risk factors begins decades before dementia onset, interventions must be implemented in mid-life [5-7]. Mid-life, thus, presents a critical and unique window for disease-altering interventions, before the manifestation of substantial brain damage. However, the indicators of AD in mid-life, and the impact of modifiable lifestyle factors on the incipient disease process remain poorly understood.
Studies on preclinical AD have used risk stratification approaches to investigate early, preclinical changes. Key risk factors include the Apolipoprotein E (APOE) □4 genotype [8-9], the main genetic risk factor for sporadic late onset AD in the Indo-European population [10], and family history (FH) of dementia [8, 11-12]. Several dementia risk scores incorporating lifestyle risk factors have been devised [13-15]. Amongst them, the Cardiovascular Risk Factors Aging and Dementia (CAIDE) score has been optimized for middle-aged populations [15] and has been validated in a large US population followed longitudinally over 40 years [16].
Our group’s previously reported findings from cognitively healthy middle-aged participants have related these three risk factors to a range of structural and functional brain changes, including APOE □4 genotype to loss of volume in the hippocampal molecular layer [17], and to cerebral hyperperfusion [18-19]; FH to volumetric alterations in hippocampal subfields and to disrupted white matter integrity [18, 20]; and, CAIDE to whole brain atrophy [21-23] and to hippocampal volume loss [20, 23]. APOE □4, FH and CAIDE have also been found to impact cognition in mid-life. APOE □4 genotype has been significantly associated to improvements in verbal, spatial and relational memory [24], immediate recall [25] and form perception [23], FH to poorer verbal processing and memory performance in participants under 65 years [26], and higher CAIDE scores to impaired verbal and visuospatial functions, and short-term (conjunctive) memory [23-24]. These studies have established that risk for late-life AD, including risk that incorporates lifestyle factors, has a significant impact on the brain health and cognition of middle-aged individuals who are presently cognitively healthy.
As a multidimensional construct, lifestyle has a multipronged impact on cognition and the brain. By contrast to aforementioned cardiovascular risk factors captured by the CAIDE score, several lifestyle activities have been found to protect brain health and cognition in later life. Factors, such as education and occupational complexity have been associated with preservation of cognitive function in order adults [27] and reduced symptom severity in Alzheimer’s disease [4, 28-30]. These factors are thought to explain why, in late-life Alzheimer’s disease, the level of cognitive impairment shows substantial variability even when accounting for key pathologies including amyloid-b and pathological tau [1, 31]. While epidemiological evidence strongly suggests that education and occupation contribute to cognitive resilience [32], there is a renewed interest in the additional contribution of other activities undertaken in mid-life, given their potential modifiability. For example, Gow et al. (2017) [33] and Chan et al. (2018) [27] found that physically, socially and intellectually stimulating lifestyle activities undertaken in mid-life helped to maintain higher late-life cognitive performance in older adults, after adjusting for childhood cognitive ability [33].
However, it is not known whether the protection conferred by these lifestyle factors starts from mid-life, or whether it builds up gradually over time with its benefits viable only in late life and whether it simply masks neurodegenerative disease or affects it directly. To address this gap, we investigated the impact of interactions between three risk factors for late-life AD (APOE □4 genotype, FH and CAIDE) with lifestyle activities on cognition, independently of sex, age and years of education. These relationships were investigated in a large cohort of cognitively healthy middle-aged individuals, assessed at baseline (N=210), and at two years follow-up (N=188). The Lifetime of Experiences Questionnaire (LEQ) [34] was used to evaluate lifestyle activities specific to mid-life, yielding two composite factors, (a) occupation and managerial responsibility, and (b) physical, social and intellectual activities. Our hypothesis was that there would be a significant association between mid-life lifestyle factors and cognitive performance in domains already shown in this cohort to be affected by measures of AD risk, in cognitively healthy individuals.
PREVENT is an ongoing longitudinal multi-site research programme based across the UK and Ireland, seeking to identify early biomarkers of AD and elaborate on risk-mechanism interactions for neurodegenerative diseases decades before the cardinal symptoms of dementia emerge. Its protocol has been described in detail elsewhere [35]. In the first PREVENT programme phase, participants were recruited at a single site, via the dementia register database held at the West London National Health Service (NHS) Trust, of the UK National Health Service, the Join Dementia Research website (https://www.joindementiaresearch.nihr.ac.uk/), through public presentations, social media and word of mouth. Procedures involving experiments on human subjects were done in accord with the ethical standards of the Institutional Review Board of Imperial College London and in accord with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975. Approval for the study was granted by the NHS Research Ethics Committee London Camberwell St Giles. Consented participants were seen at the West London NHS Trust, where they underwent a range of clinical and cognitive assessments [35]. The cohort comprised cognitively healthy volunteers aged 40-59 years. The West London dataset was used here to avail of both baseline and follow-up testing data acquired for this cohort. 210 individuals (62 male; 148 female) were tested at baseline, with 188 (89.5%) (55 male; 133 female) retained at 2 years follow-up (Table 1).
Demographic specifications of the cohort at baseline and follow-up based on the dementia family history and on APOE genotype
Risk factors
APOE□4 Genotyping
The process of APOE □4 allele identification is outlined in detail in Ritchie et al (2017) [23]. In brief, genomic DNA was isolated from blood samples and APOE genotyping was performed. All members of the research and clinical teams were blind to the result of APOE genotyping. In this study, APOE □4 risk is determined by ≥1 APOE □4 allele. 75/210 carried ≥1 APOE □4 allele (See Table 1).
Family History
Participants were defined as FH+ if at least one parent was diagnosed with dementia. 103/210 were FH+.
Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging, and Incidence of Dementia (CAIDE) score
CAIDE is a composite scale of estimated future dementia risk based on mid-life cardiovascular measures [36-37]. It takes into consideration the individual’s age, sex, educational attainment, APOE □4 genotype, activity level, BMI, cholesterol and systolic blood pressure [15] and is scored on a range of 0 – 18. A higher score indicates greater risk. The CAIDE dementia risk score was calculated for each participant at baseline and follow-up.
Cognitive assessments
Cognitive function was assessed with the COGNITO neuropsychological test battery [38], designed to examine information processing across a wide range of cognitive functions in adults of all ages. Tests are administered using a tactile screen to capture information processing time as well as response accuracy and require about 40 minutes to complete. COGNITO comprises the following cognitive tasks: working memory, narrative recall, description recall, implicit memory, name-face association, form perception, phoneme comprehension, and verbal fluency [38-39]. For more information on each task please see Supporting Information (SI). These are designed to test several aspects of cognition, including attention (working memory), memory (narrative recall, description recall, implicit memory, name-face association, working memory), language (phoneme comprehension, verbal fluency) and visuospatial abilities (form perception).
Additionally, we used the Visual Short-Term Memory Binding task (VSTMBT) [40]. The VSTMBT is a computer-based task that assesses visual short-term memory binding of single features, e.g., complex shape or color combinations, or feature conjunctions, e.g., shape and color combinations. In the single feature condition, participants must identify whether the test stimuli (three random 6-sided polygons) are the “same” as or “different” to the studied stimuli in terms of shape (shape only) or color (color only). In the binding condition, participants are required to correctly identify if both the shape and color of the test stimuli match studied stimuli.
Data reduction and extraction of cognitive domains
In an independent study of this dataset [24], three composite cognitive components were extracted from the above cognitive assessments using rotated principal component analysis (rPCA) (Supplementary Figure 1) to reduce the number of multiple comparisons, given the multitude of cognitive assessments obtained for this cohort. At baseline, the three components captured: 1) verbal, spatial and relational memory; 2) working and short-term (single-feature) memory; 3) verbal and visuospatial functions, and short-term (conjunctive) memory (SI). The highest loading tasks for each component differed slightly for the cross-sectional and longitudinal data. For example, verbal functions, visuospatial functions, and short-term (conjunctive) memory loaded most strongly on the third component at baseline. At follow-up, short-term memory was not present, rather implicit memory loaded on the third component (Supplementary Figure 1). As the three components captured slightly different aspects of cognition at the two testing timepoints, we did not compare the results of the baseline and follow-up directly; any longitudinal change would be hard to interpret. Rather the two datasets were analyzed independently.
Higher scores in verbal, spatial and relational memory and working and short-term (single-feature) memory reflected better performance, whereas higher scores in verbal and visuospatial functions, and short-term (conjunctive) memory reflected poorer performance. In this study, we use these cognitive components, rather than the individual tests to measure the impact of risk and protective lifestyle factors on cognition.
Lifetime of Experiences Questionnaire (LEQ)
The LEQ [34], designed to take a lifespan approach to the measurement of cognitive reserve [41-43] and mental activity, measures engagement in a broad range of lifestyle activities across three stages of life: young adulthood (13-29 years), mid-life (30-64 years) and late life (65 years onwards). Therefore, the LEQ is preferable for looking at a mid-life cohort compared to other scales that capture dementia-specific risk related to modifiable lifestyle factors (e.g., LIBRA [44]). The LEQ comprises sub-scores capturing “specific” activities, reflecting the primary activity undertaken in each life stage and “non-specific” activities, reflecting engagement in physical, social and intellectual activities in any stage. For the purpose of this paper, we define mid-life ‘lifestyle’ as all the activities captured by the LEQ (below).
Mid-life specific score
The mid-life specific component score centers on occupation and comprises two sub-scores. For the first occupational sub-score, participants were asked to record their primary occupation in each 5-year interval from age 30 to age at assessment. Each reported occupation was scored according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO 08) guidelines (https://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/stat/isco/isco08/), and scores were inverted and summed. The second sub-score is a measure of the managerial responsibility associated with reported occupations. If participants indicated that they were employed in a managerial capacity, the number of people that they oversaw in four of their reported occupations was documented. Managerial responsibility was scored as follows; 0 people = 8, 1-5 people = 16, 5-10 people = 24 and 10+ people = 32. The highest score is recorded as the managerial responsibility sub-score. The occupational history and managerial sub-scores were summed and multiplied by a normalization factor of 0.25. Normalization ensures that the mid-life specific and non-specific scores have comparable mean values [34].
Mid-life non-specific score
The non-specific score assesses frequency of engagement in 7 activities, capturing those of a physically, socially and intellectually stimulating nature, scored on a 5-point Likert scale of frequency (never, less than monthly, monthly, fortnightly, weekly, daily). Scores range from 0 – 35, with higher scores reflecting more frequent engagement in such activities. The items included in the scale are socializing with family or friends, practicing a musical instrument, practicing an artistic pastime, engagement in physical activity that is mildly, moderately, or vigorously energetic, reading, practicing a second language and travel. The travel item asks participants if they have visited any of a list of continents between the ages of 30-54. Responses were scored on a 5-point scale as follows; none, 1-2 regions, 3-4 regions, 5 regions, 6-7 regions, all regions.
Statistical analyses
We used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS V.26) and R software for all statistical analyses. Demographic and clinical information of the study cohort was analyzed across risk groups using chi-square (χ2 tests) for categorical variables and Mann Whitney U tests for continuous (discrete) variables, given that they were not normally distributed in this cohort. Subsequently, we used hierarchical regression models to look at the contribution of mid-life lifestyle factors (LEQ specific and non-specific scores) risk factors (APOE □4 genotype and FH) and of their interactions on cognitive performance, at baseline and follow-up. In each case, dependent variables were composite cognitive components extracted using the rPCA method with each assessed in a separate model. As aforementioned, the baseline and follow-up datasets were analyzed independently, due to the slightly differing cognitive domains captured by rPCA for each timepoint. Cognition at baseline was tested with respect to lifestyle variables at baseline, and similarly, cognition at follow-up was tested with respect to lifestyle variables at follow-up.
To avoid multicollinearity, we mean centered continuous variables (specific and non-specific scores). Age, sex and years of education were included as covariates in hierarchical models. A significant interaction effect between a risk and a lifestyle factor would indicate that the effect of the lifestyle factor on cognitive performance differs across levels/values of the risk factor. For any observed interactions, we plotted the regression of the lifestyle factor on cognitive performance for each level/value of the risk factor [45], to interpret the effect. We then tested the significance of the slopes of the simple regression lines, to investigate in which level/value of the risk factor we found an effect of lifestyle on cognitive performance.
Demographic characteristics
In the first PREVENT study phase, 210 participants were recruited from a single site. All 210 completed several cognitive tests and the LEQ questionnaire. 188 were also assessed at the follow up, two years later. At baseline, 2 participants were missing information relating to their APOE □4 genotype, with a further 2 missing cognitive data. The final baseline cohort that could be used for the analyses was 206. At follow-up, 12 participants were missing cognitive data, alongside the 2 participants who were missing APOE □4 genotype data. Therefore, the final follow-up cohort was N = 174. Mild cognitive impairment and dementia were ruled out based on detailed clinical assessment at baseline and follow-up. At both testing sessions, the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Assessment (ACE) III score was recorded for all participants [46]. Demographic specifications of the cohort at baseline and follow-up, stratified by APOE □4 genotype and family history of dementia, are shown in Table 1. There were no significant differences in age, sex or years of education between the groups. APOE □4 allele genotype was more frequently found in the FH+ than FH-group at baseline (p = 0.01) and follow up (p = 0.02). CAIDE scores (including APOE status) were significantly higher for the FH+ than FH-group at baseline (p = 0.03) and follow up (p = 0.003). Naturally, CAIDE scores including APOE status were significantly higher for the APOE □4+ than APOE □4-group at baseline (p = 0.0003) and follow up (p = 0.0002), but when APOE status was excluded the CAIDE scores did not differ between the two groups (Table 1).
Verbal, Spatial and Relational memory
At baseline, a hierarchical regression model with lifestyle factors, i.e., the specific and non-specific LEQ scores, risk factors (APOE □4 and FH), and age, sex and years of education as covariates, and the first cognitive component (verbal, spatial and relational memory) as the dependent variable was significant overall [F (7, 198) = 5.84, R2 = 0.17, p < 0.0001] (Supplementary Table 1a), and showed a significant positive association between verbal, spatial and relational memory and education [β (SE) = 0.09 (0.02), p < 0.0001] (Figure 1a). Similarly, at follow up the model’s performance was significant [F (7, 166) = 5.52, R2 = 0.19, p < 0.0001], and there was a significant positive association between verbal, spatial and relational memory and education [β (SE) = 0.10 (0.02), p < 0.0001] (Figure 1b). Higher education values were significantly associated with higher performance at both timepoints. The inclusion of risk by lifestyle interaction terms (FH × specific score, FH × non-specific score, APOE □4 × specific score, APOE □4 × non-specific score) into the hierarchical regression model (Supplementary Table 1b) did not show any significant associations between lifestyle x risk interaction terms and cognitive performance, at baseline or follow-up.
Association of years of education with verbal, spatial and relational memory performance at baseline (a) and follow-up (b). The x axis displays total reported years of education attained. On the y axis, higher scores represent better verbal, spatial and relational memory performance.
The hierarchical regression models with lifestyle factors and CAIDE as independent variables, and verbal, spatial and relational memory as the dependent was significant at baseline [F (3, 202) = 3.11, R2 = 0.04, p = 0.03] and at follow-up [F (3, 166) = 3.52, R2 = 0.04, p = 0.02] (Supplementary Table 1c). At both timepoints, we found a significant positive association between the non-specific LEQ factor and verbal, spatial and relational memory (baseline: [β (SE) = 0.04 (0.02), p = 0.02], figure 2a) and (follow up: [β (SE) = 0.07 (0.02), p = 0.002], figure 2b). More frequent engagement in physically, socially and intellectually stimulating activities was associated with better verbal, spatial and relational memory. This association was independent of CAIDE and therefore of age, sex and years of education, as included in this score. The inclusion of CAIDE by lifestyle interaction terms (CAIDE × specific score, CAIDE × non-specific score) into the hierarchical regression model (Supplementary Table 1d) did not show any significant associations between lifestyle x risk interaction terms and cognitive performance, at baseline or follow-up.
Association of physical, social and intellectual activities with verbal, spatial and relational memory performance at baseline (a) and follow-up (b). Physical, social and intellectual activities are mean-centred. On the x axis, higher scores represent more frequent engagement in physical, social and intellectual lifestyle activities, and on the y axis, higher scores represent better verbal, spatial and relational memory performance.
Working and Short-Term (Single-Feature) Memory
Hierarchical regression analyses showed no significant associations of any of the independent variables and performance on the second cognitive component (working and short-term [single-feature] memory), at baseline or follow up (Supplementary Table 2a, 2c) Furthermore, no significant associations with interaction terms were observed at either timepoint (Supplementary Table 2b, 2d).
Verbal and Visuospatial Functions, and Short-Term (Conjunctive) Memory
At baseline, the hierarchical regression model was significant [F (7, 198) = 2.39, R2 = 0.08, p = 0.02], and showed a significant negative association between the third cognitive component (verbal and visuospatial function and short-term [conjunctive] memory) with age [β (SE) = 0.04 (0.01), p = 0.006] (Supplementary Table 3a). Higher age was associated with poorer performance. At follow-up, there were no significant associations between the main independent variables with verbal and visuospatial function and short-term (conjunctive) memory. The inclusion of risk by lifestyle interaction terms in the hierarchical model revealed a significant association between the non-specific LEQ score x FH interaction term and cognitive performance [β (SE) = −0.11 (0.05), p = 0.01] (Supplementary Table 3b). To interpret this interaction, we investigated the relationship between cognitive performance and the non-specific LEQ score for the FH+ and FH-groups independently (Figure 3). We found a significant negative relationship between non-specific lifestyle activities and cognition in the FH+ group [β (SE)= −0.08 (0.03), p = 0.02), that was independent of age, sex, or years of education. We did not observe a relationship between non-specific lifestyle activities and cognition in the FH-group [β (SE) = 0.03 (0.03), p = 0.34]. These results suggested that for individuals with positive family history, more frequent engagement in the non-specific LEQ factor — namely physically, socially and intellectually engaging activities — was associated with better performance in verbal and visuospatial function and short-term (conjunctive) memory. Finally, we also observed trend associations between cognitive performance and the specific LEQ factor score x FH interaction term [β (SE) = 0.07 (0.04), p = 0.06]. This association, while suggestive of a role for occupational complexity on cognition, stratified by family history risk group, is weak and needs to be investigated further in future studies. Additionally, as previously reported [24] we observed a significant negative association between CAIDE and verbal and visuospatial functions and short-term (conjunctive) memory at baseline (Supplementary Table 3c). There were no associations between interactions of CAIDE x lifestyle and cognition at either baseline or follow up (Supplementary Table 3d).
Interaction of physical, social and intellectual activities and family history of dementia on verbal and visuospatial functions, and short-term (conjunctive) memory at follow-up. On the x axis, higher scores represent more frequent engagement in physical, social and intellectual lifestyle activities, and on the y axis, higher scores represent poorer verbal and visuospatial functions, and short-term (conjunctive) memory. Physical, social and intellectual activities are mean-centred. The positive family history of dementia group showed a significant positive association between engagement in these activities and improved verbal and visuospatial functions, and short-term (conjunctive) memory. No significant association was seen for the negative family history group. Abbreviations: FH, family history; FH+, family history positive; FH-, family history negative.
It is now acknowledged that Alzheimer’s Disease processes are present decades before the onset of clinical symptoms [2, 47], but, to date, it has remained unknown whether lifestyle factors can already protect against these early AD processes in mid-life. We asked whether these modifiable lifestyle activities impact cognition in middle-aged individuals who are cognitively healthy but at risk for late life AD. Lifestyle activities significantly impacted cognition in mid-life. Individuals with greater educational attainment showed stronger cognition in a composite dimension capturing verbal, spatial and relational memory. This result is consistent with a previous study [23] of this cohort showing that visuospatial abilities were positively associated with education. It is also consistent with epidemiological studies on older adults showing that education contributes to cognitive resilience in older life [32]. Our cohort is highly educated, with approximately 30% reaching a post-graduate qualification [23]. As the LEQ education measure captures total years of education, the effect of education we observed, reflects long-term effects set in motion from early life and young adulthood.
The key question in this study, however, was to investigate any additional contribution of activities undertaken in mid-life, independently of education. The first novel finding of this study was that more frequent engagement in physically, socially and intellectually stimulating activities in mid-life was associated with stronger cognition in a composite dimension capturing verbal, spatial and relational memory, both at baseline and at follow-up. This effect was independent of sex, age, years of education and cardiovascular factors captured by the CAIDE score. The second novel finding was that physically, socially and intellectually stimulating activities undertaken in mid-life had a significant effect in the cognition of middle-aged individuals at risk for late-life AD. Specifically, higher engagement in these activities was associated with significantly stronger cognition in another composite dimension, capturing verbal and visuospatial functions and short-term memory in cognitively healthy individuals, who were at risk for late life AD though family history of dementia, at follow up. Importantly, this effect was independent of age, sex, and years of education.
Impaired visuospatial function is one of the earliest cognitive deficits observed in AD [48-49] and has previously been linked to increased AD risk in this cohort [23-24]. Additionally, conjunctive memory functions have been found impaired in the pre-symptomatic stages of AD [40]. Therefore, our results suggest that stimulating lifestyle activities may boost cognitive functions that are very vulnerable to AD risk and early AD neuropathology [40, 48-49]. However, we caution that the interpretability of the effect of lifestyle activities on each individual function is limited by their composite assessment in this study and requires validation in future studies. Physically, socially and intellectually stimulating mid-life activities have been shown to influence late-life cognition, suggesting that they contribute to the cognitive resilience that mitigates the effect of age-related cognitive decline and AD neuropathology [27, 33]. Our finding advances understanding by showing that engagement with these activities contributes to cognitive resilience to risk of AD, or even incipient AD neuropathology, from mid-life, in individuals who are presently cognitively healthy.
Family history of dementia is a well-established risk factor [8, 11-12], independent of the genetic risk bestowed by APOE □4 genotype, that captures both genetic and environmental risk influences. For example, an individual who has one or more parent with dementia, may, independently to the presence of the APOE □4 genotype, be exposed to negative environmental influences that contribute to neuropathology, including increased stress [50], caregiver burden [51-52] and reduced participation in enriching environments due to caregiving duties [53]. Therefore, alongside contributing to cognitive resilience, enhanced engagement with physically, socially and intellectually stimulating activities may positively impact individuals with a family history of dementia by counteracting these negative environmental influences.
In summary, our findings suggest that modifiable lifestyle activities may offset AD risk-related cognitive decrements in mid-life and support the targeting of certain modifiable lifestyle activities for the prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease, especially in those with a family history. These activities include socializing with family or friends, practicing a musical instrument, practicing an artistic pastime, engagement in energetic physical activities, reading, practicing a second language and travel. Given the apparent lifestyle contributions both as risk and protective factors of dementia [4], a healthy lifestyle may be the individual’s current best defense against sporadic late onset AD. The modifiability of the lifestyle activities identified here renders them promising cost-effective candidates for early intervention and prevention strategies. These activities may be particularly significant for non-pharmacological interventions for AD in low and middle-income countries (LMIC), where barriers to education are more prevalent than in high income countries [4].
Methodological considerations
As education is strongly positively linked to IQ [54] and our cohort was highly educated, the question of reverse causation arises [27, 33, 55]. This points to the possibility that cognitive abilities may determine engagement in stimulating activities, rather than the inverse. However, the effect on mid-life verbal and visuospatial functions, and short-term (conjunctive) memory is independent of the total years of education, which shows that education does not directly drive this effect. Furthermore, we found that mid-life lifestyle activities was associated with improved cognitive performance only in the family history positive group, which is not, at least not prima facie, more educated than the family history negative group. Thus, this effect is likely independent of any indirect effects of education.
The use of composite cognitive domains that capture slightly different functions in the two assessment points [24] prevents investigation of the impact of lifestyle on cognitive changes over time in this study. Nevertheless, previous studies from this cohort have shown only subtle changes over the two year period [56-57], possibly due to the relatively young age range of the sample and the short follow up window [23, 39]. Therefore, future studies that follow this cohort over a longer period and test hypotheses informed by the previous study waves are needed to determine the longitudinal impact of lifestyle activities in cognitively healthy middle-aged individuals at risk for late life AD.
Data Availability
All data produced in the present study are available upon reasonable request to the authors.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
F.D. was funded by the Provost PhD Award Scheme from Trinity College Dublin, to L.N. L.N. was also funded by a L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women In Science International Rising Talent Award, the Welcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support grant, and the Global Brain Health Institute Project Grant.
The PREVENT-Dementia study is supported by the UK Alzheimer’s Society (grant numbers 178 and 264), the US Alzheimer’s Association (grant number TriBEKa-17-519007) and philanthropic donations.
We thank all PREVENT-Dementia participants for their enthusiastic participation in this study. We also thank the Research Delivery service at West London NHS Trust and the Wolfson Clinical Imaging Facility at Imperial College London for their support in running the study.
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