Article Information
- October 14, 2021.
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Author Information
- Julia Matas1,2,
- Brendan Kohrn1,
- Jeanne Fredrickson1,
- Kelly Carter3,
- Ming Yu3,
- Ting Wang3,
- Xianyong Gui1,
- Thierry Soussi4,5,6,
- Victor Moreno7,8,9,10,
- William M. Grady3,
- Miguel A. Peinado2 and
- Rosa Ana Risques1,*
- 1Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
- 2Institut Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain
- 3Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA
- 4Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
- 5Sorbonne Université, UPMC Univ Paris 06, F- 75005 Paris, France
- 6INSERM, U1138, Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Paris, France
- 7Oncology Data Analytics Program, Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO), Barcelona, Spain
- 8Colorectal Cancer Group, ONCOBELL Program, Institut de Recerca Biomedica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL), Barcelona, Spain
- 9Consortium for Biomedical Research in Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP), Barcelona, Spain
- 10Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
- ↵*To whom correspondence should be addressed: rrisques{at}