Background While CDC guidance for K-12 schools recommends indoor masking regardless of vaccination status, final decisions about masking in schools will be made at the local and state level. The impact of the removal of mask restrictions, however, on COVID-19 outcomes for elementary students, educators/staff, and their households is not well known.
Methods We used a previously published agent-based dynamic transmission model of SARS-CoV-2 in K-12 schools to simulate an elementary school with 638 students across 12 scenarios: combinations of three viral infectiousness levels (reflecting wild-type virus, alpha variant, and delta variant) and four student vaccination levels (0%, 25%, 50% and 70% coverage). For each scenario, we varied observed community COVID-19 incidence (0 to 50 cases/100,000 people/day) and mitigation effectiveness (0-100% reduction to in-school secondary attack rate), and evaluated two outcomes over a 30 day period: (1) the probability of at least one in-school transmission, and (2) average increase in total infections among students, educators/staff, and their household members associated with moving from more to less intensive mitigation measures.
Results Over 30 days in the simulated elementary school, the probability of at least one in-school SARS-CoV-2 transmission and the number of estimated additional infections in the immediate school community associated with changes in mitigation measures varied widely. In one scenario with the delta variant and no student vaccination, assuming that baseline mitigation measures of simple ventilation and handwashing reduce the secondary attack rate by 40%, if decision-makers seek to keep the monthly probability of an in-school transmission below 50%, additional mitigation (e.g., masking) would need to be added at a community incidence of approximately 2/100,000/day. Once students are vaccinated, thresholds shift substantially higher.
Limitations The interpretation of model results should be limited by the uncertainty in many of the parameters, including the effectiveness of individual mitigation interventions and vaccine efficacy against the delta variant, and the limited scope of the model beyond the school community. Additionally, the assumed case detection rate (33% of cases detected) may be too high in areas with decreased testing capacity.
Conclusion Despite the assumption of high adult vaccination, the risks of both in-school SARS-CoV-2 transmission and resulting infections among students, educators/staff, and their household members remain high when the delta variant predominates and students are unvaccinated. Mitigation measures or vaccinations for students can substantially reduce these risks. These findings underscore the potential role for responsive plans, where mitigation is deployed based on local COVID-19 incidence and vaccine uptake.
CDC recommends in-person education for all K-12 students, with COVID-19 mitigation measures including distancing, ventilation, and indoor masking regardless of vaccination status.1 Vaccination is now authorized for children <12. In communities with high vaccination rates and low COVID-19 incidence, or where masking is less widely accepted, schools may remove masks and other mitigation requirements, with uncertain impact on COVID-19 outcomes for elementary students, educators/staff, and their households.
We used an agent-based dynamic transmission model of SARS-CoV-2 in schools. Model structure and data inputs are described in previous publications; the Supplement describes parameterization specific to this analysis.2 Current and prior2 reporting adhere to CHEERS guidelines; this was designated not human subjects research.
We simulated an elementary school (30 separate classes, 638 students, 60 educators/staff) across 12 different combinations of: three viral infectiousness levels (reflecting wild-type virus, alpha variant, and delta variant) and four student vaccination levels (0%, 25%, 50%, and 70% coverage). We assumed that 70% of adults (educators/staff and adult household members of students and educators/staff) were vaccinated (sensitivity analyses for 50% adult vaccination coverage can be found in the Supplement). For each scenario, we varied observed community COVID-19 incidence (0-50 cases/100,000 people/day, 33% of cases detected) and mitigation effectiveness (0-100% reduction to in-school secondary attack rate). Without clinical data for individual mitigation measure effectiveness, we created examples based on observational data, particle and aerosol studies, and expert opinion, to reflect three levels of in-school mitigation intensiveness: A) ventilation and handwashing only (20-40% effectiveness); B) masking plus ventilation/handwashing (70%-80%); and C) combined masking, distancing, cohorting, handwashing, and ventilation (90-100%). These ranges are highly uncertain (Supplement).
We evaluated two primary outcomes over a 30-day period: 1) probability of any in-school SARS-CoV-2 transmission with varying mitigation effectiveness, and 2) average increase in total infections among students, educators/staff, and their household members (“immediate school community”) associated with moving from more to less intensive mitigation measures (e.g., unmasking). We projected the anticipated increased in cases associated with three discrete changes in mitigation effectiveness, reflecting the midpoints or bounds of the A and B mitigation scenarios above: 70% to 40% mitigation effectiveness (smaller decrease); 75% to 35% effectiveness (moderate decrease); and 80% to 20% effectiveness (larger decrease).
Over 30 days in the simulated elementary school, the probability of at least one in-school SARS-CoV-2 transmission varied widely (Figure 1). With the delta variant and no student vaccination, if decision-makers seek to keep the monthly probability of an in-school transmission below 50%, additional mitigation (e.g., masking) would need to be added to ventilation/handwashing at a community incidence of approximately 2/100,000/day, assuming 40% effectiveness of ventilation/handwashing (A) (Figure 1, top right panel, left arrow). As an alternative decision threshold, if decision-makers are willing to accept, in association with unmasking, an average of 5 additional infections per month in the immediate school community, masks could be removed at a community incidence of approximately 5/100,000/day, assuming 40% effectiveness of (A) and 70% effectiveness of (B) (Figure 2, top right panel, red line).
Increasing student vaccination to 50% in these two scenarios increased the associated thresholds to about 4 and 16 cases/100,000/day, respectively. Decreases in the assumed effectiveness of ventilation/handwashing, increases in the assumed effectiveness of masking, or decreases in the assumed proportion of all community infections that are detected shifted the thresholds lower.
Despite high adult vaccination, the risks of in-school SARS-CoV-2 transmission and resulting infections among students, educators/staff, and their household members remain high when the delta variant predominates and students are unvaccinated. Mitigation measures or vaccinations for students can substantially reduce these risks, especially when implemented together.
Risks related to SARS-CoV-2 infection are only one of many factors guiding K-12 school planning, alongside educational, health, and social/emotional considerations. These results should be interpreted in the context of model limitations, including uncertainty in available data (e.g., effectiveness of individual mitigation interventions, case detection rate) and the focus on only the immediate school community; we excluded testing as a mitigation intervention (evaluated in previous work3). These findings underscore the potential role for responsive plans, where mitigation is deployed based on local COVID-19 incidence and vaccine uptake.
Data Availability
Model code and replication files are publicly available on GitHub.
The authors were supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention though the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (NU38OT000297-02: AB, JAS), the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (R37AI058736-16S1: AC; K01AI141576: MCF; and K08127908: EAK), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (3R37DA01561217S1: JAS), and Facebook (unrestricted gift; JG, AB, JAS). The papers’ contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not represent the official views of the funders. The funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication.
The authors have no disclosures.
This work was designated “not human subjects research” by the Mass General Brigham Institutional Review Board (protocol 2021P002876).
Smoothing Methods for Figures
To generate Figures 1 and 2 and Supplemental Figures 1 and 2, for each scenario we ran the 100 replicates of the model presented in Bilinski et al.1 for each combination of observed community incidence from 0 to 60 case notifications/100k/day (incremented by 1) and mitigation effectiveness from 0 to 100% (incremented by 1%) using the model code available at https://github.com/abilinski/BackToSchool2/tree/master/3-Scripts/Paper3. The scenarios included combinations of the following parameter values: (1) baseline daily adult-to-adult secondary attack rates of 2% (reflecting the wild-type virus), 3.5% (alpha variant), and 7% (delta variant); (2) child vaccination coverage of 0%, 25%, 50%, and 70%; and (3) adult vaccination coverage of 50% and 70%. (The 70% child vaccination scenario was only run when adult vaccination coverage was 70% as well, to reflect observed patterns of vaccine uptake.) We assumed reduced transmission and susceptibility for children and for asymptomatic adults (Supplemental Table).
The raw model output is highly stochastic, so to generate the smoothed heatmaps and associated contour line estimates in Figure 1 and the smoothed line graphs in Figure 2, we fit regressions for each outcome and associated scenario (e.g., more than one in-school transmission in the wild-type, 0% child vaccine, 70% adult vaccine scenario) as a function of observed community incidence and mitigation. The outcome value used to fit each regression was the mean of 90 replicates in a training sample at each combination of incidence and mitigation. (Note that for the additional cases metric in Figure 2, we fit the regression to the overall number of cases in the immediate school community, and then subtracted the fitted regression across the different mitigation levels to generate the estimated average additional cases from moving between each mitigation level.) We tested five specifications: linear, quadratic, cubic, and quartic polynomials, as well as linear regression with a log transformation on each predictor:
Linear specification: outcome=β0 + β1Incidence + β2 Mitigation+ β3Incidence *Mitigation
Quadratic specification:
Cubic specification:
Quartic specification:
Log specification: outcome=β0 + β1 In Incidence+ β2 In Mitigation+ β3 In Incidence* In Mitigation
For each scenario, we selected the regression which minimized the root mean-squared prediction error in a hold-out test set containing 10 replicates (10%) at each combination of incidence and mitigation.
To assess how well the smoothing functions fit the expected value of the model output, we calculated the R2 between binned averages of the model-generated outcomes in the hold-out test set and the average outcome predicted by the selected smoothing function across the range of community incidence and mitigation values. We evaluated the fit for two different bin sizes: “large” bins, with a bin width of 5 for community incidence and 0.1 for mitigation effectiveness, and “small” bins with a bin width of 1 for community incidence and 0.1 for mitigation effectiveness. The lowest R2 was 0.94 for the small bins and 0.98 for the large bins, indicating that the smoothing procedure to generate the figures accurately reflects the average model output over the different scenarios analyzed within these bin sizes.
We are grateful to Dr. Sandra B. Nelson, MD (Massachusetts General Hospital) and Dr. Shira Doron, MD (Tufts Medical Center) for expert opinion on mitigation measure effectiveness. (Neither individual was compensated for their support on this work.) John Giardina had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.