Article Information
- March 2, 2022.
Article Versions
- Version 1 (July 2, 2021 - 16:48).
- You are viewing Version 2, the most recent version of this article.
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Author Information
- Niamh McCombe†,1,
- Xuemei Ding1,
- Girijesh Prasad, Senior Member, IEEE1,
- Paddy Gillespie2,
- David P. Finn3,
- Stephen Todd4,
- Paula L. McClean5,
- KongFatt Wong-Lin, Member, IEEE†,1,
- Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
- 1Intelligent Systems Research Centre, Ulster University, Magee campus, Derry∼Londonderry, Northern Ireland (NI), UK
- 2Health Economic and Policy Analysis Centre, Discipline of Economics, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
- 3Pharmacology and Therapeutics, School of Medicine, Galway Neuroscience Centre and Centre for Pain Research, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
- 4Altnagelvin Area Hospital, Western Health and Social Care Trust, Derry∼Londonderry, NI, UK
- 5Ulster University NI Centre for Stratified Medicine, Biomedical Sciences Research Institute, C-TRIC, Derry∼Londonderry, NI, UK
- ↵†Corresponding authors: mccombe-n{at}, k.wong-lin{at}