The Genetic Architecture of Amygdala Nuclei
View ORCID ProfileMary S. Mufford, View ORCID ProfileDennis van der Meer, View ORCID ProfileTobias Kaufmann, View ORCID ProfileOleksandr Frei, View ORCID ProfileRaj Ramesar, View ORCID ProfilePaul M. Thompson, View ORCID ProfileNeda Jahanshad, View ORCID ProfileRajendra A. Morey, View ORCID ProfileOle A. Andreassen, View ORCID ProfileDan J. Stein, View ORCID ProfileShareefa Dalvie
Mary S. Mufford
1South African Medical Research Council Genomic and Precision Medicine Research Unit, Division of Human Genetics, Department of Pathology, Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
2Fellow, Global Initiative for Neuropsychiatric Genetics Education in Research (GINGER) program, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT
Dennis van der Meer
3NORMENT, KG Jebsen Centre for Psychosis Research, Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital & Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
4School of Mental Health and Neuroscience, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Tobias Kaufmann
3NORMENT, KG Jebsen Centre for Psychosis Research, Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital & Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
5Tübingen Center for Mental Health, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Oleksandr Frei
3NORMENT, KG Jebsen Centre for Psychosis Research, Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital & Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
6Center for Bioinformatics, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Raj Ramesar
1South African Medical Research Council Genomic and Precision Medicine Research Unit, Division of Human Genetics, Department of Pathology, Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
Paul M. Thompson
7Imaging Genetics Center, Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute, Keck School of Medicine of USC, Marina del Rey, CA, USA
Neda Jahanshad
7Imaging Genetics Center, Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute, Keck School of Medicine of USC, Marina del Rey, CA, USA
Rajendra A. Morey
7Imaging Genetics Center, Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute, Keck School of Medicine of USC, Marina del Rey, CA, USA
8Duke-UNC Brain Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
Ole A. Andreassen
3NORMENT, KG Jebsen Centre for Psychosis Research, Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital & Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Dan J. Stein
9SA MRC Unit on Risk & Resilience in Mental Disorders, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience Institute, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
Shareefa Dalvie
9SA MRC Unit on Risk & Resilience in Mental Disorders, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience Institute, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
10South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC), Unit on Child & Adolescent Health, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa

- Supplemental Figures S1-10 and tables S1-5[supplements/258615_file03.docx]
- Supplementary tables T1-5[supplements/258615_file04.xlsx]
Posted July 02, 2021.
The Genetic Architecture of Amygdala Nuclei
Mary S. Mufford, Dennis van der Meer, Tobias Kaufmann, Oleksandr Frei, Raj Ramesar, Paul M. Thompson, Neda Jahanshad, Rajendra A. Morey, Ole A. Andreassen, Dan J. Stein, Shareefa Dalvie
medRxiv 2021.06.30.21258615; doi:
The Genetic Architecture of Amygdala Nuclei
Mary S. Mufford, Dennis van der Meer, Tobias Kaufmann, Oleksandr Frei, Raj Ramesar, Paul M. Thompson, Neda Jahanshad, Rajendra A. Morey, Ole A. Andreassen, Dan J. Stein, Shareefa Dalvie
medRxiv 2021.06.30.21258615; doi:
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