Article Information
- June 14, 2021.
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Author Information
- Shelesh Agrawal1,
- Laura Orschler1,
- Selina Schubert1,
- Kira Zachmann1,
- Leo Heijnen2,
- Simona Tavazzi3,
- Bernd Manfred Gawlik3,
- Miranda de Graaf4,
- Gertjan Medema2 and
- Susanne Lackner1,*
- 1Technical University of Darmstadt, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences, Institute IWAR, Chair of Wastewater Engineering; Darmstadt, Germany
- 2KWR Water Research Institute; Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
- 3European Commission, Joint Research Centre; Ispra (Va), Italy
- 4Department of Viroscience, Erasmus Medical Center; Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- ↵*Corresponding author. Email: susanne.lackner{at}