Modelling upper respiratory viral load dynamics of SARS-CoV-2
View ORCID ProfileJoseph D. Challenger, Cher Y. Foo, Yue Wu, Ada W. C. Yan, View ORCID ProfileMahdi Moradi Marjaneh, View ORCID ProfileFelicity Liew, View ORCID ProfileRyan S. Thwaites, View ORCID ProfileLucy C. Okell, View ORCID ProfileAubrey J. Cunnington
Joseph D. Challenger
1Medical Research Council Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom
Cher Y. Foo
2Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom
Yue Wu
3School of Clinical Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Ada W. C. Yan
4Department of Infectious Disease, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom
Mahdi Moradi Marjaneh
5Section of Paediatric Infectious Disease, Department of Infectious Disease, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom
Felicity Liew
6National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Ryan S. Thwaites
6National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Lucy C. Okell
1Medical Research Council Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom
Aubrey J. Cunnington
5Section of Paediatric Infectious Disease, Department of Infectious Disease, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom
7Centre for Paediatrics and Child Health, Imperial College London, United Kingdom

Data Availability
At present, we refer the reader back to the original studies (summarised in Table 1) to access or request the viral load data.
Posted July 06, 2021.
Modelling upper respiratory viral load dynamics of SARS-CoV-2
Joseph D. Challenger, Cher Y. Foo, Yue Wu, Ada W. C. Yan, Mahdi Moradi Marjaneh, Felicity Liew, Ryan S. Thwaites, Lucy C. Okell, Aubrey J. Cunnington
medRxiv 2021.05.01.21256182; doi:
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