Article Information
- April 10, 2021.
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Author Information
- Yaiza Cáceres-Martella,1,
- Daniel Fernández-Sotoa,1,
- Carmen Campos-Silvaa,
- Eva M. García-Cuestaa,
- Jose M Casasnovasb,
- David Navas-Herrerac,
- Alexandra Beneítez-Martínezc,
- Pedro Martínez-Fletad,
- Arantzazu Alfrancad,e,
- Francisco Sánchez-Madridd,e,
- Gabriela Escudero Lópezf,
- Carlos Vilchesg,
- Ricardo Jara-Acevedoc,
- Hugh T. Reyburna,
- José M. Rodríguez Fradea,* and
- Mar Valés-Gómeza,*
- aDepartment of Immunology and Oncology, National Centre for Biotechnology, CNB-CSIC, Madrid, Spain
- bDepartment of Macromolecular structures, National Centre for Biotechnology, CNB-CSIC, Madrid, Spain CNB
- cImmunostep, S.L. Salamanca, Spain
- dImmunology Department, Hospital Universitario La Princesa IIS-IP, Madrid, Spain
- eCIBER Cardiovascular
- fInternal Medicine, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Puerta de Hierro-Segovia de Arana, Majadahonda, Spain
- gImmunology Departments, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Puerta de Hierro-Segovia de Arana, Majadahonda, Spain
- ↵*Corresponding authors:
Department of Immunology and Oncology, National Centre for Biotechnology, CNB-CSIC, Madrid, Spain. Tel. +34 91 585 4313; email: mvales{at}, jmrfrade{at}
↵1 These authors contributed equally to the work presented