Article Information
- March 29, 2021.
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Author Information
- 1IDMEC, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
- 2LAQV-REQUIMTE, NOVA School of Science and Technology, Caparica, Portugal
- 3INESC-ID, Lisbon, Portugal
- 4Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
- 5Experimental Pathology and Therapeutics Group of Portuguese Institute of Oncology of Porto FG, EPE (IPO-Porto), Porto, Portugal
- 6Surgical ICU of the Portuguese Institute of Oncology, Porto, Portugal
- 7Surgical Oncology Department, IPO-Porto, Porto, Portugal
- ↵*Correspondence: dmateusgoncalves{at}