Estimating the size of undetected cases of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Europe: An upper bound estimator
Irene Rocchetti, Dankmar Böhning, Heinz Holling, Antonello Maruotti
Irene Rocchetti
1Statistical Office - Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura
Dankmar Böhning
2Southamption Statistical Sciences Research Institute, University of Southampton
Heinz Holling
3Department of Methods and Statistics, Faculty of Psychology and Sports, University of Münster
Antonello Maruotti
4Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Economia, Politica e Lingue Moderne, Libera Università Ss Maria Assunta, Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen

Article usage
Posted July 17, 2020.
Estimating the size of undetected cases of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Europe: An upper bound estimator
Irene Rocchetti, Dankmar Böhning, Heinz Holling, Antonello Maruotti
medRxiv 2020.07.14.20153445; doi:
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