After SARS-CoV-2 set foot in India, the Indian Government took a number of steps to limit the spread of the disease in the country. This study involves assessing how the disease affected the population in the initial days of the epidemic. Data was collected from government controlled and crowdsourced websites and then put through analysis and calculations. With a study on age and sex parameters of 413 patients, the median age of the affected individuals was found out to be 36 years (IQR 25-54 years) with 20-39 years males being the most affected group. The number of affected males (66.34%) was more than that of the females(33.66%).Using SIR model, the range of contact rate(β) of India was calculated and the role of public health interventions was assessed which proved that the interventions were effective for a little while but the effect reduced due to violations.
Article Summary Line The 21 day lockdown in India to slow the COVID 19 epidemic in the country has still not shown significant results, but the earlier interventions done are showing their effect now.
In December 2019, a cluster of patients with pneumonia of unknown origin was encountered in Wuhan, China (1). The causative agent was determined to be a novel virus of the Coronaviridae family of RNA viruses and was claimed to be of zoonotic origin (1). Due to its close relationship with the SARS-CoV, this novel coronavirus was named SARS-CoV-2 (2). Since then, SARS-CoV-2 has caused a widespread outbreak of the disease now known as COVID-19 and was declared to be a pandemic by WHO on March 11 2020 (3). Human to human transmission occurs primarily through close-contact with the infected person, through fomites in the immediate surroundings of the infected person and via droplets of respiratory secretions (4, 5), although there is some evidence pointing to a possibility of airborne and faeco-oral transmission as well (6, 7). According to few case studies, transmission may also occur via viral shedding in “pre-symptomatic” individuals during the incubation period (8, 9).
The incubation period for COVID-19 is thought to be within 14 days of exposure, with a median incubation period of 4-5 days (4, 10, and 11). The median age of patients affected by COVID-19 is 47 years with the most common clinical findings being fever and cough (4, 12). Other symptoms include expectoration, headache, myalgia fatigue, and diarrhoea and haemoptysis in rare cases. About 18% of patients develop shortness of breath (4). Severe disease has been shown to occur in 14% of patients with older age and pre-existing chronic disease being risk factors for severe disease (4, 13). Critical disease requiring intensive care unit admission has been reported in 5 percent, and overall case-fatality rate as 2.3% (13). Currently, there are no approved treatments for COVID-19 and clinical trials such as the WHO SOLIDARITY trial are underway to evaluate the effectiveness of drugs like lopinavir-ritonavir, remedisvir, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin (3, 14).
India reported its first case of COVID-19 on 30 January, 2020; a medical student who had travelled from Wuhan, China, the then epicenter of COVID-19 (15). While there were only a few reported imported cases in the month of February, the number began to increase rapidly in March (14). On 15th March 2020, India sealed its borders and stopped all international flights, meaning all the initial imported cases which seeded COVID-19 in India arrived in the Indian subcontinent before 15 March 2020 (16). According to the data available in the public domain, India had approximately 3726 cases (both imported cases and due to person-to-person transmission) as of 5 April 2020 (17). According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, as of 31st March 2020, community transmission has not yet started and India is in category 2 of WHO classification for transmission patterns, i.e., sporadic cases without evidence of community transmission (18).
The most important question in the current scenario concerns the mathematical parameters of the initial spread of COVID-19 in India, and what are the epidemiological aspects that can predict this spread. We acknowledge there are certain difficulties in making precise calculations due to the rapidly changing dynamic of the epidemic in the early stages, limited availability of data in the public domain, absence of robust line listing of cases and limited testing capacity. Nonetheless, mathematical models with reasonable assumptions based on available information can help in analysis of the currently available data to provide important insights for guiding public health interventions. For a predictive model to be relevant to the reality, the model itself should represent what is happening in the real world. The most basic of these models is the SIR (susceptible-infected-removed) model (19,20), which we’ve used in the current Indian scenario to determine the range in which contact rate β lies and also calculate the range of the current reproduction number, Rt.
In the first part of our paper, we outline the several public health measures taken by India in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. We then study and analyze the epidemiological parameters of COVID-19 in India using publicly available data till 28 March 2020. Finally, we use the SIR model, and run simulations to determine the effective contact rate β, and derive from that the reproduction number Rt, and comment on the result of the nationwide public health measures implemented from mid-March 2020 and the lockdown implemented from 25 March 2020.
Since the beginning of the outbreak in India, there have been a number of interventions done at various levels by the state governments and by the Central Government agencies. The number of cases started increasing in March (21), prompting a number of interventions to control the outbreak. The first interventions were mostly related to travel advisories and bans. Gradually there were more social distancing measures in March which were then followed by lockdowns, ultimately culminating in a nation-wide 21 day lockdown from 25 March, 2020 (Table 1)
Epidemiological analysis
Data Source
The raw data was collected from the patient database of covid19india.org which is a crowdsourced patient database for positive cases of SARS-CoV-2 which have been confirmed by laboratory testing, including data from state government and central government agencies (https://www.covid19india.org/). The data was taken for cases confirmed on 28 March, 2020 or earlier. Only those patient data were analyzed which had both age and sex data of the patient mentioned. For convenience of analysis, patients whose age data was given as a range were excluded.
Study population
The above method yielded a sample of size n=413. Of these patients, the status of the patient as of 28th March 2020 was not known for 13 patients.
Study Design
For the epidemiological analysis part of the study, we used a descriptive design. After collecting the data analysis was done in regard to the age distribution, status of patients and sex distribution using Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Fatality ratio in any category was found out by dividing the number of deaths in the category by the number of affected individuals of that category. Central tendencies for age of patients of various categories were also calculated.
Mathematical analysis
Study Design
The transmission rate β is used to describe the flow of individuals in a population going from a susceptible state to an infected state, and it is important to obtain a realistic estimate of the transmission rates in order to create useful and realistic simulation models for decision support. Accurate estimation of this rate is important because it can have a major influence on disease predictions and conclusions.
We have used the data available till 4th April to estimate the two parameters, β and Rt (time varying reproductive number) used in the SIR model (www.statista.com). We assumed that the recovery rate γ would remain constant for the population. We plotted the γ distribution curve till 3rd April and took the mean value of γ. Since the effect of interventions would reflect in the contact rate β, we then took the value of γ to be constant equal to the mean and ran the SIR model multiple times by varying the value of β, and comparing the trends with the real data. We plotted the trendline for the real data using Microsoft Office Excel 2007, and used the equation of the curve to find out the trend of β in India in the present day scenario by comparing it to equation 4.
The spread of a disease in the population is studied by the SIR model (19,20) which divides the (fixed) population of N individuals into three “compartments” which vary as a function of time (For purposes of this study, we have not included vital dynamics like birth and death rate.) -
S(t) - S(t) are those susceptible but not yet infected with the disease (in a novel disease like nCOV-19,the entire population is assumed to be susceptible as there is no pre-existing immunity);
I(t) - I(t) is the number of infectious individuals;
R(t) - R(t) are those individuals who have been removed from the infected population(includes those who have recovered from the disease and also the deaths)
The SIR model describes the change in the population of each of these compartments in terms of two parameters, β and γ.
B - β describes the effective contact rate of the disease: a susceptible individual comes into contact with an infectious individual and acquires the disease. This parameter takes into account both the number of people contacted per unit time, and the effectiveness of transmission in each contact.
γ - γ is the mean removal rate: In our model, it is calculated using the removed cases as against the new cases on a daily basis.
β and γ are useful in the SIR model using the following differential equations-
Assuming the present scenario in India where I<<N and R<<N, S is almost equal to N. So S/N=1.
Putting this in equation 2 and integrating, we get
Where A is determined the number of cases at t=0.
Study setting
β, the effective contact rate reflects the force of infection of the disease. It is time-varying, and helps us understand at what rate the epidemic is progressing. We have analyzed the data from the initial period of the COVID epidemic in India, till 4 April 2020 and calculated the β and the Rt for the same.
Data variables, Sources and Analysis
γ was calculated to be 0.103(the removal rate followed a normal distribution, and the mean was calculated with the data available from 01 March to April 04 2020) (22).
Epidemiological parameters
The patients affected in India had a median age of 36 years with IQR of 25-54 years. Largest percentage of affected patients was in the age group of 20-39 years. There were 66.34% male patients and 33.66% female patients. The median age for affected males was 35 years (IQR 25-50) and for females was 40 years (IQR 24.5-59). Both in male patients and female patients the largest number of affected patients was in the 20-39 years age group accounting for 54.38% of males and 41.01% of females. This was followed by the age group 40-59 years accounting for 25.91% of males and 26.62% of females. According to the data, 16 patients out of 413 had died accounting for 3.8 % cases, with 68.75% of all the deaths among 60-79 years, accounting for 11 deaths. The median age of deceased patients was 65 years with IQR 59.25-69. The mortality rate in male patients was 4.38% and for female patients was 2.88%.
For recovered patients, most were in the 20-39 age group followed by the 40-59 years age group. Median 36 years with IQR 21.75-56.25. As per the data as on 28 March, 2020, 14 of these 413 patients had recovered.
The number of hospitalized patients accounted for 370 of the 413 patients. However, status of 13 of the 413 patients was not available.
Table 3 gives the current status of patients across age and sex, and Table 2 gives the age and gender distribution with normalized values with respect to percentage in Indian population.
Mathematical analysis
After running multiple simulations, all assuming different values of β, we found that the value of β in the current India scenario calculated from the trendline of real data lies around 0.258., which is also visible in the graph of real-time active cases lying between 0.24 and 0.29 (Figure 3).
This graph depicts the number of people found infected with CoVID-19(both daily and cumulative) beginning from 1st March, 2020 until 27th March, 2020 and the major interventions done by the government to control the spread of the disease. Data Source: ICMR-NIE and MOHFW
Flow rates in SIR Model.
Figure 3.This graph compares real data with varying values of β, thus helps in estimating the range β lies in. Datasource:https://www.statista.com/statistics/1104054/india-coronavirus-covid-19-daily-confirmed-recovered-death-cases/
Also visible in the graph, is the real data line shifting from 0.24 to 0.28 from day 8. Also, as Rt = β/γ, the value of the Reproduction number is found to be varying between 2.4-2.9 in the Indian scenario until 4thApril 2020.
Considering the present trend of β, India can have more than 9700 active cases by the end of the 21 day lockdown.
The median age of affected patients in our study sample of 413 was 36 years(IQR 25-54)with the median age for female patients (40 years, IQR 24.5-59) was more than that of male patients (Median age 35 years, IQR 25-50). In study cohorts of Wuhan, the median age of affected patients range from 49-56 years (4, 23, 24). Thus, there are more people affected at a lower age in India when compared to China. This observation can be explained by the population distribution of India. In previous studies on COVID 19, it has been established that the risk increases with age and comorbidities (13, 23, 24). However, according to the population demographics in India for 2020 (36), the broad based nature of India’s population pyramid means there are more people in the younger age group category and very few people in the above 80 years age group category.This is reflected in the number of cases which are more in the younger age groups. On normalizing the percentage of patients in each age group with the corresponding percentage representation of the population, we observed that the highest number of male patients is in the 20-39 years age group category. Interestingly, according to this analysis, males in the 20-39 years age group are more affected than even the 60-79 years age group males or above 80 years age group males. This is something that has not been reported until now and it has to be seen whether this changes as the number of cases in India grows. Similarly finding the normalized ratio of affected patients by age group shows that for females, above 80 years age group is more affected. On the same lines the mortality rate due to the disease was found to be lower as compared to other countries.
As of 30 March, 2020, India has still not officially reported community spread (25). So the cases now are people who were affected in foreign countries or their direct contacts. In 2018, Indian residents between 35 and 49 years of age took the most holidays outside the nation (26). So, it is also possible that the number of young patients is more in India than other countries because they constitute the majority of outbound tourists. If community spread begins, this can get altered. Another consideration in this regard are the comorbidities in the Indian population because hypertension, COPD, neoplasms have been related to higher risk of infection by SARS-Cov 2. In a 2016 Global Burden of Disease Study in the Indian population (27), it was found that diseases like cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, and neoplasms were as prevalent in the 40-69 yrs age group as older age groups. Hence, this can be another reason for the lower median patient age in India.
The present data gives a case fatality rate of 4.38% for males and 2.88% for females. In China, the case fatality rate was found as 2.3% with 1023 deaths of 44672 confirmed cases, 14.8% in the above 80 years population, and 8.0% in the 70-79 years population (13). Our estimate gives a higher value which may be due a smaller sample size or can also be because mild cases of COVID 19 have so far been missed due to limited testing capacities in India. In our study, there is a 16.18% mortality rate in 60-79 years age group and 20.0% in above 80% age group. These may be an underestimation or overestimation of the actual mortality rate as the total number of deaths is still small and many are still hospitalized. The mean age of the deceased males and females implies male patients of younger age have higher risk of death than females of similar age. The mean age for recovered patients is lower than the mean ages for the deceased implying younger patients have a higher chance of recovery. These are in accordance with findings from other countries (13, 28). If we consider all the patients, males account for 66.34% of patients, implying more males are generally affected. 75.0% of the deceased were also males which show that males are more vulnerable agreeing with previous studies (29, 30).The explanation for a lower mortality rate due to CoVID infection than that of other countries [worldometer.org], could also be the universal immunisation policy against BCG (31).
The value of the β being 0.258 (range between 2.4-2.9) and the trend for Rt being about 2.50, shows that the interventions which were put in place by the Indian government (assuming a lag period of 11 days) during the mid-March period were partially effective, preventing the scenario where Rt can reach even more than 4 (32), and further data would tell how effective the lockdown is. The increase in β from day 8 is probably due to the identification of the Tablighi cluster and the cases it added to the Indian data (33).
According to a study (32) in the early days of the epidemic, Wuhan city and Hubei province showed Rt between 1.85 and 4.46 which matches our study. All over China, the Rt varied from 1.23 to 5.77. South Korea which has high population density like India had a decreasing trend of Rt from 9.72 on 20 February to 1.50 on 7 March. This indicates that the interventions have been helpful in preventing the worst case scenario in India but is unable to prevent the spike in number of cases (33,34).The situation can still be controlled if Rt can be brought down close to 1.This indicates the need for severe interventions required and ensuring optimum testing to avoid underestimation of danger.
The impact of the COVID-19 response (overall quarantine regulations, social distancing, and isolation of infections) in China in this context is encouraging for the many other countries (35) where the Rt gradually stabilized for most provinces ranging between 0.96 to 1.57 where there were more than 100 cases (32), and India should try and replicate this when community transmission starts by strict enforcement of lockdown measures to get the Rt closer to 1,so that COVID would not overwhelm the Indian healthcare system. The Indian government will not be able to minimise both deaths from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the economic impact of viral spread. Keeping mortality as low as possible will be the highest priority for individuals; hence the Indian government must put in place measures to ameliorate the inevitable economic downturn (36). However the Indian government’s timely decision to put a country wide lockdown into place when the number of cases was documented to be only 415,and effective contact tracing definitely helped to reduce the Rt and prevent an Italy/US like situation (however in the context of violations of the lockdown, more data awaited).
The lack of enough kits for testing at the beginning of the outbreak among other logistic and political reasons was one of the major issues. The Indian government tried to correct these issues by altering the criteria for testing on 21 March 2020. However, it undermines the quality of data collected in the early phase of the epidemic. We have used crowd sourced data from covid19india.org due to lack of availability of official data. Even though the number of cases in India till 28 March was more, we could not include all the cases due to unavailability of the demographic details of all the patients. If these details along with the clinical details as well are released, further studies can help in better assessment of the disease course. Also, it could help the government with better interventions to control the spread of the disease.
Data Availability
Data taken from publicly available crowdsourced and government databases
Biographical Sketch
Mehak Arora, Archisman Mazumder, Vishwesh Bharadiya and Parul Berry are all 2nd year medical students (MBBS) at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. Their research interests include public health and clinical investigations.
Output of the model run by varying β
We thank Giridara Gopal of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, Hemant D Shewade of International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) and Gowtham Balachandhiran of Panimalar Institute of Technology, Pidarithangal, Tamil Nadu, India for their valuable feedback and sharing their expertise.