Article Information
- March 3, 2020.
Author Information
- Xiaolong Qi1,#,*,
- Zicheng Jiang2,#,
- Qian Yu3,#,
- Chuxiao Shao4,
- Hongguang Zhang5,
- Hongmei Yue1,
- Baoyi Ma6,
- Yuancheng Wang3,
- Chuan Liu1,
- Xiangpan Meng3,
- Shan Huang3,
- Jitao Wang1,
- Dan Xu1,
- Junqiang Lei1,
- Guanghang Xie1,
- Huihong Huang2,
- Jie Yang4,
- Jiansong Ji4,
- Hongqiu Pan5,
- Shengqiang Zou5 and
- Shenghong Ju3,*
- 1CHESS-COVID-19 center, The First Hospital of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
- 2CHESS-COVID-19 center, Ankang Central Hospital, Ankang, China
- 3Department of Radiology, Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Molecular and Functional Imaging, Zhongda Hospital, Medical School, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
- 4CHESS-COVID-19 center, Zhejiang University Lishui Hospital & Lishui Central Hospital, Lishui, China
- 5Department of Infectious Diseases and Critical Care Medicine, The Affiliated Third Hospital of Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China
- 6Department of Respiratory Medicine, The People’s Hospital of LinXia Hui Prefecture, Linxia, China
- ↵*Correspondence to:
Xiaolong Qi, MD, Professor of Medicine, CHESS-COVID-19 center, The First Hospital of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, Phone: 86-18588602600, E-mail: qixiaolong{at} OR Shenghong Ju, MD, Professor of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Zhongda Hospital, Medical School of Southeast University, Nanjing, China, E-mail: jsh0836{at}
↵# These authors contributed equally to this work.
Author contributions: Xiaolong Qi, Zicheng Jiang and Qian Yu contributed equally.
Concept and design: Xiaolong Qi, Shenghong Ju. Acquisition of data: Zicheng Jiang, Chuxiao Shao, Hongguang Zhang, Hongmei Yue, Baoyi Ma, Jitao Wang, Junqiang Lei, Huihong Huang, Jie Yang, Jiansong Ji, Hongqiu Pan, Shengqiang Zou. Analysis and interpretation of data: Qian Yu, Chuan Liu, Yuancheng Wang, Xiangpan Meng, Shan Huang, Dan Xu, Guanghang Xie, Xiaolong Qi, Shenghong Ju. Drafting of the manuscript: Qian Yu, Xiaolong Qi. Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Xiaolong Qi, Shenghong Ju. Administrative, technical, or material support: Xiaolong Qi, Zicheng Jiang, Chuxiao Shao, Hongguang Zhang, Hongmei Yue, Hongqiu Pan. The corresponding author attests that all listed authors meet authorship criteria and that no others meeting the criteria have been omitted.
Competing interests: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form at and declare: no support from any organisation for the submitted work; no financial relationships with any organisations that might have an interest in the submitted work in the previous three years; no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.