Blood pressure and cognitive function across the eighth decade: a prospective study of the Lothian Birth Cohort of 1936 ======================================================================================================================= * Drew M Altschul * John M Starr * Ian J Deary ## Abstract **Objectives** We investigated the associations among blood pressure and cognitive functions across the eighth decade, while accounting for anti-hypertensive medication and lifetime stability in cognitive function. **Design** Prospective cohort study. **Setting** This study used data from the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 (LBC1936) study, which recruited participants living in the Lothian region of Scotland when aged 70 years, most of whom had completed an intelligence test at age 11 years. **Participants** 1091 members of the LBC1936 with assessments of cognitive ability in childhood and older adulthood, and blood pressure measurements in older adulthood. **Primary and secondary outcome measures** Participants were followed up at ages 70, 73, 76, and 79, and latent growth curve models and linear mixed models were used to analyse both cognitive functions and blood pressure as primary outcomes. **Results** Blood pressure followed a quadratic trajectory in the eighth decade: on average blood pressure rose in the first waves and subsequently fell. Intercepts and trajectories were not associated between blood pressure and cognitive functions. Women with higher early-life cognitive function generally had lower blood pressure during the eighth decade. Being prescribed anti-hypertensive medication was associated with lower blood pressure, but not with better cognitive function. **Conclusions** Our findings indicate an association between early-life cognitive function and later-life blood pressure, specifically among women. However, we did not find support for the hypothesis that rises in blood pressure and worse cognitive decline are associated with one another in the eighth decade. **Strengths and limitations of this study** * - This study used direct blood pressure measurements to model a continuous blood pressure score, as well as anti-hypertensive medication data, which were used to adjust blood pressure measurements. * - This study had comprehensive tests of cognitive ability measured in both childhood and old age which allowed us to investigate whether childhood and old age cognitive ability are distinctly related to blood pressure. * - Latent growth curve modelling allowed us to evaluate whether changes in either blood pressure or cognitive functions have downstream associations with one another. * - Larger samples and longer follow-up times, both from earlier and later in life, are needed to understand the long-term relationships among blood pressure, anti- hypertensive treatment, and cognitive functions. Keywords * hypertension * old age psychiatry * geriatric medicine * epidemiology ## Introduction Hypertension is a major issue in middle and older age populations.1,2 Hypertension has been consistently linked to cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease (CAD) and stroke.1,3 It is also a risk factor for neurocognitive conditions such as age-related cognitive decline, vascular dementia, and possibly Alzheimer’s disease.4 Accelerated cognitive decline is associated with lower well-being, higher morbidity and mortality and, as cognitive function worsens, the clinical conditions of mild cognitive impairment and dementia can develop.5 Some of hypertension’s negative impacts on cognitive function have likely causal pathways: hypertension disrupts cerebral blood vessel structure and function, and is associated with stroke in relevant white matter regions.6 Worldwide, hypertension, age- related cognitive decline, and dementia are on the rise.6,7 A major objective of modern gerontology is to understand how age-related cognitive changes systematically differ between individuals and groups. Typically, hypertension is thought of as a risk factor for later life cognitive decline. In some samples of older people, hypertension is associated with lower cognitive functioning and faster decline.6,8,9 However, there is also evidence for the relationship operating in the opposite direction, i.e. that higher cognitive function in youth is associated with having lower risk of developing hypertension10 and experiencing hypertension-related stroke and coronary artery events later in life.11 These latter findings are part of a field known as cognitive epidemiology, which has found that higher cognitive function in early life is associated with lower risk of a number of physical and mental ailments later in life.12-16 Men are more likely to develop cardiovascular conditions than women,17 a reason why men have been the subject of more intervention studies than women.18 Nevertheless, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in both women and men.19 Some differences in hypertension are biologically-based in differences between men and women, e.g. through hormones and gene dosage from the sex chromosomes, and these differences are consistent across different countries and ethnic groups.18 Additionally, traditional gender roles are associated with men behaving in ways (e.g., higher smoking rates) that increase their risk for physical health conditions, including hypertension.20 Previous work on the cognitive epidemiology of hypertension, CAD, and stroke found significant interactions between sex and cognitive function in youth: individuals with higher cognitive function were at lower risk for hypertension, CAD, and stroke, and the associations were stronger in women.11,21 In the present study we tested two hypotheses regarding the relationships between cognitive functions, some of which steadily decline in mean level in older participants, and hypertension, a condition that becomes increasingly common with age and is related to cardiovascular health and cognitive impairment. First, we hypothesized that the association between higher cognitive function at age 11 years and lower blood pressure in the eighth decade of life is stronger in women than it is in men.11 Second, we tested the hypothesis that cognitive function and blood pressure will be reciprocally associated with each other across the eighth decade. We were able to test these hypotheses using multi-wave data from the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 (LBC1936), a narrow-age cohort of over 1000 community-dwelling people, and longitudinal modelling of four waves of data that were collected from age 70 to 79 years. LBC1936 provides cognitive function data from age 11, as well as other control variables, such as education, which has been implicated as a mediator in the relationship between cognitive function in youth and cardiovascular risk,22-24 and a variety of related behavioral and physical health variables. ## Method ### Participants The Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 (LBC1936) is a community-dwelling sample of 1091 initially healthy individuals. All were born in 1936 and were at school in Scotland on 4 June 1947, when most took part in a group-administered intelligence test: the Moray House Test (MHT) No. 12. They were followed up in four waves of one-to-one cognitive and health testing between 2004 and 2017, at mean ages 70 (*N* = 1091), 73 (*N* = 866), 76 (*N =* 697), and 79 (*N =* 550) years. Further details on the background, recruitment, attrition, and data collection procedures are available.25,26 Participants provided written informed consent. Descriptive statistics for the individual participating in each wave of the study are presented in Table 1. Study completers only are described in supplementary table 1. View this table: [Table 1.]( Table 1. Descriptive statistics for cognitive, demographic, and clinical variables. ### Cognitive functions The Moray House Test No. 12 (MHT) is a broad cognitive ability test that includes word classification, proverbs, spatial items, and arithmetic. The test correlated about 0.8 at age 11 years with the Terman Merrill revision of the Stanford-Binet test, providing concurrent validity.27 In older age, cognitive function is known to show decline across multiple, but not all, subdomains.28 We assessed fluid cognitive ability, processing speed, and memory, all of which decline on average with age. We also assessed crystallised ability, which remains relatively stable in later life.29 There are strong correlations among the subdomains, and because of this, cognitive function can be modelled hierarchically, with a general cognitive function factor that captures overall ability. Beneath that general factor, specific subdomains capture variation beyond general cognitive function.30 The relationships among cognitive tests and subdomains are described in the Statistical Analyses section below. Cognitive functions in waves 1–4 were assessed using 14 individually-administered cognitive tests at the same clinical research facility and using the same equipment and procedure for all four waves. The tests are fully described and referenced in an open-access protocol article.26 The fluid subdomain consisted of matrix reasoning and block design from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS),31 and spatial span forward and backward from the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS.)32 Processing speed was measured through symbol search and digit symbol substitution from the WAIS, plus four-choice reaction time33 and inspection time.34 Memory was assessed using verbal paired associates and logical memory from the WMS,32 and the letter–number sequencing and digit span backward subtests of the WAIS.31 Crystallised ability was measured through the National Adult Reading Test,35 Wechsler Test of Adult Reading,36 and a phonemic verbal fluency test.37 ### Blood pressure Blood pressure was measured six times at each wave, three times sitting and three times standing. Blood pressure measurements were divided into systolic pressure (maximum during one heartbeat) and diastolic pressure (minimum in between two heartbeats). Adjustments for anti-hypertensive medications were made to both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. 15 points were added to systolic pressure and 10 points were added to diastolic pressure38 if an individual was recorded as taking antihypertensive medication, such as atenolol, lisinopril, bisoprolol, etc. at that wave. ### Covariates Sex and education were both included as covariates in all models. Education was recorded as the total number of years spent in formal education. Age 11 cognitive function was also included in all models, as was the interaction between sex and age 11 function. Several behavioural and diagnosed health variable were included. Smoking status was dummy coded with two variables, current smokers and ex-smokers, with non-smokers as the reference group. Participants were genotyped for the presence of an *APOE* ε4 allele. Cardiovascular disease and stroke history were both recorded for each wave; each was coded as a binary variable, with a 1 indicating that the individual had a history of the disease. Testing dates varied slightly for every individual at every wave, so the exact age of each participant at testing was also recorded. ### Statistical analyses All four LBC1936 Waves were analysed in latent growth curve models (LGCMs), a structural equation modelling technique that allows the user simultaneously to define and analyse multiple latent and measured variables.39 For each variable modelled longitudinally, LGCMs model level (i.e. an intercept) and slope (i.e. a trajectory of change) parameters. We modelled blood pressure variables using a hierarchical ‘curve of factors’ model (supplementary figure 1). At the bottom tier were individual systolic and diastolic readings (only sitting readings were used for LGCMs), grouped by wave. For each grouping, both a systolic and diastolic latent variable was specified, creating four latent variables each for systolic and diastolic pressure, one each per wave. From these latent systolic and diastolic variables, latent variables modelling growth were specified, in much the same way as with cognitive function. To model overall blood pressure level, each of the eight lower-order latent variables contributed its unit loaded value (i.e. x1). For blood pressure, the best fit models were those that included both linear and quadratic slope latent variables. To model linear slope of blood pressure, linearly increasing loadings were given as the average age at a given wave progressed (x0, x2.96, x6.72, x9.79). To model quadratic slope, quadratically increasing loadings were assigned (x0, x8.76, x45.16, x95.84). ![Figure 1.]( [Figure 1.]( Figure 1. Blood pressure trajectories in the eighth decade for individuals with and without hypertension diagnoses. Only study completers, those participants who were present at every wave of the study, were included in this plot. All study participants were used in the statistical analyses. Blood pressure score was derived from the latent variable that represent blood pressure in individual waves; the score is a standardized measure of overall blood pressure magnitude. The upper green line illustrates individuals diagnosed with hypertension at any wave (n = 337) and the lower red line illustrates normotensive individuals (n = 204). The shaded areas represent 95% confidence regions. We modelled cognitive function using a slightly different hierarchical ‘factor of curves’ model, previously established with these data.30 For each cognitive test we modelled a level (essentially the age 70 baseline) and a linear slope (the change between age 70 and age 79, taking all four measurement occasions into account) with the same loadings as with the age-respective blood pressure variables. For each cognitive domain (see Cognitive Function above) a latent level and linear slope variable was correspondingly composed of the individual tests’ latent level and latent slope variables. At the top of this cognitive hierarchy, latent levels and slopes for general cognitive function were formed from the level and slope variables of each cognitive domain. Similar models have been used and diagrams presented elsewhere30,40 and a structural diagram to illustrate these measured and latent variables and the associations among them is presented in supplementary figure 2. ![Figure 2.]( [Figure 2.]( Figure 2. Path diagram displaying the statistical tests in a latent growth curve model of cognitive function and blood pressure. Circles represent latent variables and squares represent measured variables. Double arrowed lines represent correlations. Single arrowed lines (on the left side) represent regressions. Coefficients and SEs are the result of model 1A; numbers printed in bold indicate coefficients that were statistically significant after correction for multiple comparisons. Put simply, BP level is analogous to BP at the study’s beginning (age 70 years), BP slope is analogous to the linear magnitude at which BP increases or decreases over the following decade, and BP quadratic (slope) is analogous to the curvature of the change in BP over the following decade. Cognitive function level is analogous to cognitive function at age 70, and is known to be highly correlated with cognitive function at age 11,30 demonstrating some stability of individual differences in cognitive function across the life course. Slopes of cognitive function represent the rate at which cognitive functions change (mostly decrease, in fact) over subsequent waves, which is otherwise known as cognitive decline. Covariates that applied to all waves of data (sex, age 11 cognitive function, their interaction, years of education, and smoking history) were associated with the intercept and slope parameters for latent levels and slopes, including those for the domains of cognitive function, but not onto individual cognitive tests’ levels or slopes. *APOE* ε4 status only applied to cognitive function latent variables. Individual systolic and diastolic BP measurements were associated with characteristics of individual waves: age at testing, cardiovascular disease history, and stroke history. Model parameters were estimated using full-information maximum likelihood, i.e. all data were used for all participants, even individuals who did not complete all waves. Standard errors were calculated using the robust Ruber-White method, and *P*-values were computed using the Yuan-Bentler scaled test statistic.41 The false-discovery rate correction for multiple testing was applied to the variables in each model that were not control covariates, which included the associations between the latent variables of cognitive function and its subdomains and BP, as well as associations from sex, age 11 cognitive function, and their interaction. All analyses were conducted in the R programming language (version 3.3.2), using the ‘lavaan’ package for modelling.42 ### Patient and public involvement LBC1936 participants were not involved in the development of any part of this study. The results will be disseminated to participants via a quarterly newsletter sent to LBC1936 participants. ## Results ### Modelling blood pressure The best fit model of BP was a good fit for these data (χ2 = 2052.76, df = 259, *P* < 0.001, CFI = 0.931, RMSEA = 0.080). The correlations between the level, linear slope, and quadratic slope latent BP variables were as follows: *r**level,slope* *=* -0.466 (z = -10.216, *P* < 0.001), *r**level,quad* *=* 0.323 (z = 5.525, *P* < 0.001), *r**slope,quad* *=* -0.466 (z = -90.460, *P* < 0.001). Blood pressure scores for each wave were derived from the latent variables and illustrated in Figure 1. In both hypertensive and normotensive individuals, blood pressure scores were similar at each age except for a notable but unsurprising difference in magnitude: individuals with hypertension had much higher blood pressure than those who did not have hypertension. Both groups show a quadratic effect, blood pressure rose between ages 70 and 76, and then declined between age 76 and 79. ### Blood pressure and cognitive function The best fit model of both blood pressure and cognitive function included latent variables for level and linear slope (χ2 = 8911.01, df = 4023, *P* < 0.001, CFI = 0.928, RMSEA = 0.033). Models including a quadratic factor of cognitive function change either would not converge successfully or fit very poorly and could not be trusted to produce reliable estimates for cognitive function, and thus were not included in our models. Blood pressure was best modelled with a quadratic factor of change. Overall, we found no associations between latent variables of cognitive function with those of blood pressure in our bivariate growth curve (Model 1A, Figure 2 &supplementary table 2). After correction for multiple comparisons, only three tested associations (out of 22) survived. First, a correlation between eighth decade cognitive function level and slope (*r* = 0.326, SE = 0.059, *P* < 0.001), which suggests that individuals with higher overall cognitive function have steeper cognitive decline over the eighth decade, likely because they have more functional ability to lose. Second, there was a regression path from age 11 cognitive function to eighth decade cognitive function level (β = 0.693, SE = 0.036, *P* < 0.001), which reproduces a well-known phenomenon: cognitive function shows substantial stability of individual differences across the life course,43 and different measures taken at different times will still be strongly associated. View this table: [Table 2.]( Table 2. Linear mixed effects regression models of blood pressure and cognitive function scores predicted by antihypertensive treatment over time. Third, a significant regression path was found from the interaction of age 11 cognitive function and sex to eighth decade blood pressure level (β = -0.136, SE = 0.050, *P* = 0.047). This interaction association indicates that women with higher cognitive function at age 11 have lower blood pressure in later life, and women with lower cognitive function have higher blood pressure. The opposite was true for men, higher cognitive function men had higher blood pressure and vice versa (Figure 3). No additional associations were found between any specific cognitive domains and blood pressure variables. All these tested associations are visualized in Figure 2. ![Figure 3.]( [Figure 3.]( Figure 3. Blood pressure in older age and its relationship with cognitive function at age 11 years, sex, and their interaction. Blood pressure score was derived from the latent variable that represent blood pressure in individual waves. The green dots and line represent women, and the red dots and line represent men. The shaded areas represent 95% confidence regions. Incorporating control variables into the LGCM (Model 1B, supplementary table 3) reduced the regression weight from the sex and age 11 cognitive function interaction to blood pressure level, so that it was no longer significant (β = -0.106, SE = 0.058, *P* = 0.215). The variable that most likely caused this change in the model was smoking behaviour; specifically, being a current smoker at age 70 had an association with eighth decade blood pressure (β = -0.104, SE = 0.040, post-hoc uncorrected *P* = 0.009). ### Diagnosis and treatment effects In an effort to understand why we found no associations between cognitive function and blood pressure in the eighth decade, we examined the role of medication in post-hoc analyses. Most individuals diagnosed with hypertension in the LBC1936 were prescribed medication for the condition. Following from Figure 1, though individuals with hypertension would have had higher blood pressure were they not being treated, they are being treated, and their blood pressure appears to generally decline over the eighth decade. We fit linear mixed effect models to explore the associations of diagnosis and medication with blood pressure. Using latent variables for blood pressure, we generated blood pressure scores at each wave, but, by contrast with the previous analyses, the scores were based on the raw, medication-unadjusted systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurements. Using these scores, we first fit a mixed model predicting blood pressure score from a 2-way model that included the wave of the study, whether an individual had a hypertension diagnosis at that wave, and the interaction of the two (Model 2A, Table 2). We found a significant main effect of wave on blood pressure score (β = -0.048, SE = 0.014, *P* < 0.001) and interaction between wave and hypertension diagnosis (β = -0.111, SE = 0.028, *P* < 0.001), suggesting that individuals who are given a hypertension diagnosis have decreasing blood pressure over time. In a second mixed effects model we replaced hypertension diagnosis by wave with a single variable indicating if a hypertension diagnosis was given at any wave, i.e. if a participant was diagnosed with hypertension during the eighth decade. This operationalization of diagnosis may capture more information than individual wave diagnoses; for example, an individual who first reports a hypertension diagnosis at wave 3 might already have hypertension at wave 2, and even if they do not have hypertension at wave 1, their blood pressure is likely to be elevated as they will be on their way to developing clinical hypertension. By coding all this information in a single variable we reduce the number of comparisons in the models as well as potentially improving our operationalization. As a result (Model 2B, Table 2) we found similar associations as in model 2A, except that we also found a main effect of being diagnosed with hypertension at any wave, which suggests that individuals with a diagnosis generally had higher blood pressure as we would expect. However, the interaction suggests that over time, blood pressure decreased among individuals with hypertension. This suggests that diagnosed participants of this sample are taking their medication and this is having a significant, ameliorative effect on their raised blood pressure. We fit two additional linear mixed effects models to examine associations between hypertension diagnosis and cognitive function. Because later life cognitive function is strongly associated with early life cognitive function, we included age 11 cognitive function as an independent variable in our regression models, and included all 2-way and 3-way interactions with wave and whether an individual was diagnosed with hypertension. These models (Models 3A &3B, Table 2) reproduced several established effects 30,43. Age 11 cognitive function is associated with cognitive function scores in the eighth decade (β = 0.680, SE = 0.023, *P* < 0.001). Cognitive function declines across successive waves (β = -0.154, SE = 0.007, *P* < 0.001). Individuals with higher cognitive function early in life have more ability to lose, so declines are greater for these individuals across time (β = - 0.039, SE = 0.014, *P* = 0.006). In the second model of this set of models (Model 3B, Table 2), there was also a main effect of being diagnosed with hypertension at any wave and overall cognitive function level (β = -0.105, SE = 0.029, *P* < 0.001). Having a hypertension diagnosis was associated with lower cognitive function, which could not be fully explained by cognitive function scores from earlier in life. This suggests that hypertension may be associated with negative cognitive change between childhood and older age in this sample. Put another way, being diagnosed with hypertension did not have any protective associations with cognitive function across the eighth decade: it did not improve cognitive function or make up for the negative associations between blood pressure and cognitive decline. In previous models (Table 2) being diagnosed with hypertension was associated with reduced blood pressure over time. Therefore, whereas hypertension diagnoses and anti-hypertensive medication appear to successfully treat high blood pressure in this cohort, they do not appear to impact associated cognitive deficiencies. ## Discussion Our results show that sex and cognitive function from early-life interact to predict blood pressure level during the eighth decade. Women with higher cognitive function are less likely than higher cognitively functioning men to have higher blood pressure, but the opposite is also true: lower cognitive function women are more likely to have higher blood pressure than similarly functioning men (Figure 3). This finding provides mixed support for our first hypothesis and the existing supporting literature,18,21 as the effect was not robust to the inclusion of covariates. Some of this association can be explained by health behaviors and other health conditions, some of which stand out. Notably, whether one is a smoker or not appeared to explain some of the same variation as the sex by cognitive function interaction. We did not find compelling evidence to support our second hypothesis. There were no associations between high blood pressure and cognitive function, either in level or trajectory of function, nor were any other health or sociodemographic variables associated with change in either blood pressure or cognitive function in the eighth decade. As a null result, this is a difficult finding to interpret. It may be that we did not have sufficient power to detect such associations in our sample, although nearly 40% of the sample had been diagnosed with hypertension by the initial wave at age 70. Another possibility is that cognitive function is most impacted by side effects of hypertension before the eighth decade: our findings tentatively support this, as individuals with a hypertension diagnosis tended to have lower cognitive function, below what we would expect from baseline assessments at age 11. Another possibility is that anti-hypertensive medications were effective at reducing hypertensive symptoms, which includes the connections between cognitive function and hypertension. We were able to demonstrate that anti-hypertensive medication was effective at lowering blood pressure, but we found no evidence that either medication or behavioral changes that might result from being diagnosed with hypertension have a positive association with subsequent cognitive function. In other words, treatment from antihypertensive medication in the eighth decade did not impact age or hypertension-related cognitive decline in this sample. There is existing evidence for the importance of lifestyle factors in explaining the associations between cognitive function and physical health. In the National Longitudinal Study of Youth 1979, higher cognitive function women were less likely to be given a hypertension diagnosis,21 an interaction that closely matches our initial finding in the LBC1936. However, this effect was explained by income differences. The Aberdeen Children of the 1950s cohort yielded results that were also similar to ours; specifically, associations between childhood cognitive function and both stroke and coronary artery events were present in both sexes, but stronger in women.11 However, in their analyses, the sex by cognitive function interaction effects on stroke and CAD outcomes could be accounted for by education. In both of these cases, there were socioeconomic factors that seemed to drive the interaction between early life cognitive function and sex, whereas we found that behaviors, specifically smoking, seemed to explain some of the interaction. These samples vary in age and location, so chronological and geographic-cultural cohort differences might explain the discrepancies.44,45 The present study is limited by a non-trivial proportion of missing data, particularly from individuals who died over the course of the study, or were too frail or otherwise unwilling to continue participating. Moreover, our analytic sample was more affluent than the average population, and may thus limit generalizability. The diagnoses and medications analyzed in the present study were self-reported and we were not able to cross-reference these reports with any physician records. Although we took steps to treat these variables conservatively in our analyses, self-reported diagnoses of hypertension tend to have lower validity than those drawn from medical records.46 In general, our results are consistent with previous work that has indicated that the effects of lower childhood cognitive function on hypertension are stronger and more consistent in women.11,21 Despite there being known connections between high blood pressure and cognitive impairment, we did not find any evidence for this in the eighth decade. It appears that any cognitive lowering associated with hypertension may occur earlier in life. Future research ought to corroborate this and, in general, investigate the critical periods when hypertension might be detrimental to cognitive health. ### Contributors DMA discussed and planned the study and analyses, analysed the data, interpreted the data and drafted the initial manuscript. JMS discussed and planned the study and analyses, interpreted the data and contributed to the manuscript. IJD discussed and planned the study and analyses, interpreted the data and contributed to the manuscript. ## Data Availability Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 data can be requested from the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 research team, following completion of a data request application. More information can be found online. []( ## Competing interests The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest. ## Funding statement The LBC1936 data were collected using a Research Into Ageing programme grant; this research continues as part of the Age UK-funded Disconnected Mind project. DMA, JMS, and IJD are members of The University of Edinburgh Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology, which is funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and Medical Research Council (MR/K026992/1). DMA is also funded by an MRC Mental Health Data Pathfinder award (MC_PC_17209). ## Ethics approval Ethics permissions were obtained from the Multicentre Research Ethics Committee for Scotland (wave 1, MREC/01/0/56), the Lothian Research Ethics Committee (wave 1, LREC/2003/2/29), and the Scotland a Research Ethics Committee (waves 2–4, 07/MRE00/58). ## Data sharing statement Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 data can be requested from the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 research team, following completion of a data request application. More information can be found online ([]( ## Acknowledgements The LBC1936 study is funded by Age UK (Disconnected Mind project). We thank the Scottish Council for Research in Education for allowing access to the SMS1947. We thank the LBC1936 Study participants and research team members. * Received December 16, 2019. * Revision received December 16, 2019. * Accepted December 19, 2019. * © 2019, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution 4.0 International), CC BY 4.0, as described at []( ## References 1. 1.Staessen JA, Gasowski J, Wang JG, et al. Risks of untreated and treated isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly: meta-analysis of outcome trials. The Lancet 2000;355(9207):865–72. 2. 2.Beckett NS, Peters R, Fletcher AE, et al. Treatment of hypertension in patients 80 years of age or older. New Engl J Med 2008;358(18):1887–98. [CrossRef]( [PubMed]( [Web of Science]( 3. 3.McInnes GT. Hypertension and coronary artery disease: cause and effect. Journal of Hypertension 1995;13:S49–S56. 4. 4.Barnes DE, Yaffe K. The projected effect of risk factor reduction on Alzheimer’s disease prevalence. 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