Classifying subjects with psychiatric diseases based on structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data is a highly challenging task. Nevertheless, a number of studies report decoding accuracies of up to 90% using relatively small sample sizes. Here, we will present contradicting results on a large scale (N = 2240) dataset of subjects with and without depression as part of our participation in the Predictive Analytics Competition (PAC) 2018, in which we achieved the 3rd place. Contrary to our expectations, classification accuracies varied only little between a variety of simple and highly-complex classifiers and did not exceed 67% based on an internal validation set. We discuss our results in light of these opposing results and conclude that well designed challenges and large sample sizes provide a good way to get unbiased estimates of prediction performance.
In the last two decades, neuroimaging data including structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data has become one of the cornerstones for studying not only neurological but also psychiatric diseases [1; 2]. Whereas traditional statistical analyses focused on general group comparisons, machine learning methods are intended to draw conclusions about individual subjects, e.g. in terms of diagnosis, prognosis or treatment. Although psychiatric diseases are considered to be complex and heterogeneous, a number of studies reported decoding accuracies of up to 90 % for various tasks [2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7]. Most of these studies employed relatively small sample sizes and it has been questioned whether results reflect true effects or might be an artifact of large variation in decoding accuracies typically depicted in small sample sizes [4; 8].
Machine learning challenges provide a good opportunity to address this issue by using a two-step procedure. First, a public dataset is published, on which the different teams can develop their models. Second, only the examples (but not the labels) from a holdout dataset is published, on which teams can make their predictions. Finally, the organizers can evaluate the predictions using the labels of the holdout dataset. Here, we will describe our experiences with the PAC 2018 challenge1 organized by the Translational Psychiatry Group at University Muenster, Germany2, in which we got the 3rd place out of 49 teams. In this challenge, structural MRI data sets and additional covariates from N = 2240 subjects with and without depression were provided. The task was to train a classifier to detect depression. In this work we show that no algorithm from a variety of simple and highly-complex classifiers was able to outperform a modest balanced accuracy of around 67% on the internal validation set. Our final submission on the holdout data set (N = 448) resulted in a balanced accuracy of 64 %, whereas the winning team has achieved 65%.
2.1 Data
The data set included spatially normalized voxel-based morphometry (VBM) images (i.e. gray matter probability maps) of N = 1792 subjects with and without depression (759 vs. 1033). Raw data were preprocessed by the challenge organizers using the SPM toolbox CAT-12 (Matlab 9.0 / SMP12 rev. 6685 / CAT12 v.1184) and quality checked in-house. Additionally, for each subject the following covariates were provided: Age (mean 35.55 ± 12.70), gender (59% females), imaging site (3 different sites) and total intracranial volume (TIV, mean 1571 ± 167). At the end of the challenge, the same data were released for the holdout samples (N = 448) excluding the disease labels.
2.2 Classification methods
Based on the public data set, we performed a number of different classification analyses using (1) only covariates (2) only VBM images and (3) both, covariates and VBM images. For classification we employed four machine learning algorithms, namely support vector machines (SVM), random forests (RF), gradient boosting (GB) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). SVM, RF and GB were applied to (i) covariates only, (ii) mean values of VBM images for all cortical regions (N = 48) contained in the Harvard Oxford atlas3 and (iii) whole-brain based principal component analysis (PCA) projections. For CNNs, we computed the following variants: a) vanilla CNN b) inclusion of additional data in the training base (N = 372, 181 with depression)4, c) transfer learning from Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative5 (ADNI, N = 747) data with fine-tuning on the PAC2018 data and d) multi-task learning using covariates as additional outputs which the network needs to predict. In total we present the results of 13 different configurations as shown in Table 1.
We split the public data set into a pure (balanced) training data set (90 % of subjects with depression, same number of subjects without depression, total N = 1366) and a validation set (N = 426). Hyperparameters were tuned on the training data using grid search in a 5-fold cross-validation (PCA: number of components = [10, 100, 1000]; SVM: linear and radial basis function [RBF], C, γ = [0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100]; RF: number of estimators = [10, 100, 1000], number of features considered for split= [5, 10, 15], maximum depth = [None, 0.1, 1, 10]); GB: number of estimators = [10, 100, 1000], learning rate = [0.01, 0.1, 1] and fraction of samples used for fitting = [0.01, 0.1, 1]). Due to the large number of configurations the CNN network architectures and hyperparameters have been tuned manually. The respective classification algorithm was then trained again with best parameters on the full training data set and tested on the validation set, for which we report the balanced accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. For our final model, we additionally report the accuracy measures for the externally provided holdout data from the PAC2018 challenge.
Classification results for our internal validation set are depicted in Table 1. For only covariates, the highest balanced accuracy was 64.52 % using a SVM with a RBF kernel (C = 1, γ = 0.1). For the VBM data in combination with classical machine learning techniques, a combination of atlas-based feature extraction and a SVM with RBF kernel (C = 1, γ = 0.01) was best, resulting in a balanced accuracy of 66.58 %. For the CNNs, we obtained the best result (66.52 %) using additional external data in a model consisting of 6 convolutional blocks (Conv-BatchNorm-ReLU) and 3 fully-connected layers (drop out of 0.2 before the first two fully-connected layers).
For evaluation on the external holdout data provided in the PAC 2018 challenge, we had to choose one algorithm. Although the atlas-based SVM gave us slightly higher results, we decided to use the WB-based CNN + external data, since sensitivity and specificity were more balanced and we anticipated that the inclusion of external data might be advantageous on the holdout data. On the holdout data, we got a balanced accuracy of 64 % (sensitivity 58 %, specificity 69 %).
Based on the PAC 2018 depression challenge data set, we explored a number of classical and more advanced hierarchical techniques for the detection of depression. Notably, the classification accuracy did not exceed 67 % for any of the particular analyses based on the validation set. Additionally, the classification accuracies were in a similar range, irrespective of the underlying data (covariates, VBM data or both) and types of dimensionality reduction or machine learning algorithm. Results on the external data set provided in the challenge were in the same range, not exceeding 65 %.
Given a number of studies that reported classification accuracies of up to 90 % for the classification of depression based on structural MRI data (for an overview, see Wolfers et al. [2]), not only our team were surprised in light of these results. We would like to discuss the following potential explanations. First, most studies that have found high classification accuracies employed relatively small sample sizes (below 100 subjects per group) and therefore results might be explained by a combination of large error bars characteristic for small sample sizes and a positive publication bias [4; 8].
Second, the data at hand might not be suitable for this task. Within the PAC 2018 challenge, only highly preprocessed VBM images and a small set of covariates were released. While this leads on the one hand to a clearer classification task, it strongly limits the ways of data analysis, e.g. with respect to different preprocessing pipelines or further stratification of patients according to some clinical variables such as symptom severity. Additionally, other data domains, such as functional MRI, might be more relevant for depression [3].
Third, the labels in the psychiatric field might not be reliable enough for being employed in a (supervised) machine learning framework. Although psychiatric research is not imaginable without clinical labels such as depression, those diagnostic categories have been severely criticized for not incorporating underlying neurobiological correlates and their limited ability to account for heterogeneity as well as comorbidities within and across clinical categories [9; 10; 11; 12].
And finally, there might exist better methods for analyzing this specific data set. However, since we sampled our techniques from a wide range of traditional and advanced machine learning, we believe that our analyses reflect at least some current state-of-the-art of data analysis in the neuroimaging field. Additionally, the risk for missing a suitable data pipeline is further alleviated by the participation of 49 teams applying their best algorithms to the same data set.
In conclusion, we believe that such machine learning challenges provide a huge value for the scientific community, especially in fields with very high-dimensional data and complex categories as given in clinical neuroimaging. They are a great opportunity to make large data sets available to a broader range of people, who can benchmark their specific algorithms and pipelines. Since results will be evaluated on an external data set, the chance for p-hacking and publishing false positives is strongly reduced [13] and realistic estimates of performance measures can be obtained.
Data Availability
Data used in this study were collected from different sites and were only released for the purpose of the PAC challenge.
Author contributions
FE, SS, LW, LD, HW and KR designed the study. FE, LW and KR analyzed the data. FE, SS, HW and KR wrote the manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Grant information
We acknowledge support from the German Research Foundation (KR: DFG, 389563835), the Manfred and Ursula-Müller Stiftung (KR), Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (KR: Rahel-Hirsch scholarship) and Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (LD).
↵3 https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/data/atlas-descriptions.html
↵4 166 from the Human Connectome Project (http://www.humanconnectomeproject.org/) and 206 from our local data base