Protocol for the PEACH in Asia Study: A Prospective Multinational Multicenter Observational Study on the Epidemiology of Severe Critical Events in Pediatric Anesthesia in Asia
Soichiro Obara, Choon Looi Bong, Norifumi Kuratani, Zehra Serpil Ustalar Ozgen, Mahin Seyedhejazi, Shemila Abbasi, Ekta Rai, Elsa Varghese, Evangeline K Villa, Teresita A Batanes, Andi Ade W Ramlan, Ina Ismiarti Shariffuddin, Rufinah Teo, Patcharee Sriswasdi, Pheakdey Nhoung, Vivian Yuen, Hyo-Jin Byon, Josephine S K Tan, Asian Society of Paediatric Anaesthesiologists (ASPA) research special interest group
medRxiv 2022.11.13.22282262; doi: